XF 1.4 Is it possible to convert WordPress to XenForo?


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I recently bought a WordPress blog but I want to convert that site into a forum keeping all content from WP, I don't see any threads or importers for XenForo other then converting it to vBulletin then to XenForo but vBulletin being the great company, sorry my bad, complete and utter rubbish company run by idiots has decided to remove impex from their lovely, again sorry, rubbish website and tells us it's now on GitHub but without a single link to it.

Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks.
There is no direct import path from WordPress.

You would need to do a double import, first converting to software for which there is an importer.
Here is one way:


But the vB4 import path is getting old and requires a vB license so I don't recommend it.

The important part is step #7. Similar queries could be used to insert directly into XenForo's thread and post tables instead of using vB as an intermediary. They would all be "guest" posts (no user accounts are imported). Reassociating posts by username is possible if any of the users have re-registered on your XF forum.

Or hire me to do it for you (send me a PM).
Here is one way:


But the vB4 import path is getting old and requires a vB license so I don't recommend it.

The important part is step #7. Similar queries could be used to insert directly into XenForo's thread and post tables instead of using vB as an intermediary. They would all be "guest" posts (no user accounts are imported). Reassociating posts by username is possible if any of the users have re-registered on your XF forum.

Or hire me to do it for you (send me a PM).

As @Brogan said I was aware I would need a double import the killer is vBulletin have removed the impex system and no longer give downloads, they say it's on github but resulted in 2 hours searching and multiple dead ends..

I'm not worried about the users/comments as 98% are spammers it was the main posts, but meh there's only 104 I'll repost by hand I think.

Thanks for the advise and if I change my mind I'll PM you @Jake Bunce


Oh wow, Thank you for this, I couldn't find it for the life of me!

Nevermind, they didn't even fix it lol

class wordpress_000 extends ImpExModule
* Supported version
* @var string
var $_product = 'blog';
var $_version = '2.3.1';

The DB I have is 3.5.1 sadly.

How many articles are you trying to move?

It only has 104 articles I already had 30 reposted I think i'll do by hand, thanks again for the help everybody!
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This script I wrote will do the posts and content but assumes you have already converted users across.

It could be very easily adapted to add users too.

It uses direct database methods though and not the api of either.


Do you do custom moves? I'm looking to move my wordpress homepage into my forums, that way i can get rid of wordpress. Would love to be able to do that.
Do you do custom moves? I'm looking to move my wordpress homepage into my forums, that way i can get rid of wordpress. Would love to be able to do that.

I created a converter that is available in the converter forums. Moves all Wordpress blog posts across

Other than that I'm just too busy at the moment to be able to any custom work in a fashion that is timely enough to be a good service for you
It brings all posts over to forum posts and leaves the images intact in their current location. So if there is an image in a post it will change it to bbcode to bring it across. It's not perfect but it does a good enough job
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