Is a Xenforo CMS ever coming?

Just because you think a CMS is something different doesn't make it so..
I think you just made an argument that contradicts your own argument. Just because you think XF is a CMS doesn't make it so... You don't manage any content on XF, you (and other random users) create random text without any specificity or selection.

There are many things that a CMS has and XF doesn't:
1. Layout control (NAVBAR/sub-menu for example)
2. Warp text around an image
3. Attachments/files control in a library
4. Newsletter
5. Separate (totally) design from the forum - comes with #1
6. Broken link checker (SEO)
7. Categories (for articles -> NOT FORUMS)
9. Printing (articles) and layout control over printing
10. Good search engine
11. Headlines/sub headlines for articles/content
12. Customization of images for articles (size, location and overall layout) - goes with #1
13. Revision control
14. Cross domains with same user pool (ability to join databases)
15. Multilingual support
16. Image Manager - upload, resize and edit images
17. Be able to create tables (and support it in responsive design)

I can continue for gazillion more features. Yes, you can achieve some of these with 100 add-ons, but it would never be it.
but aren't topics and posts content
sure this is content. But the CMS I work with allow you to design/define your own content types. You can define how the content goes in and you can control how it is rendered. And those features are core and not add-ons. xF is focussed on posts and content. Maybe you can call it a CMS specialized in handling discussions. but it`s surely not on the same level as TYPO3, Drupal etc. Dont`t get me wrong, it`s very well designed but it was designed for a specific task. Use the right tool for every job. As I said before, we shouldn`t re-invent the wheel.
As for Wordpress: same here. A good tool for some jobs, there are better tools for other jobs.
CMS for Xenforo in core?
That is bad idea, xenforo its forum software and i like it, jut like this, if some people want CMS then hire someone to make plugin, for me CMS in core very bad.
I think you just made an argument that contradicts your own argument. Just because you think XF is a CMS doesn't make it so... You don't manage any content on XF, you (and other random users) create random text without any specificity or selection.

There are many things that a CMS has and XF doesn't:

That does not make it a CMS... that is what YOU classify as a CMS. A CMS is simply something that manages content. Each will do it at different levels.

I can continue for gazillion more features. Yes, you can achieve some of these with 100 add-ons, but it would never be it.
NOW you are getting the idea.
What you are referring to are FEATURES that you would like to see, not a CMS, since effectively XenForo is already a CMS.

  1. A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface. Such systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative environment.
Now, last time I looked XenForo allowed all that.
Seems like you skipped the second paragraph in wiki (which is not a source for definitions or information as a whole since people like me and you can write there anything we would like). So yeah, if you would like to continue trolling about the English definition of CMS you can go ahead, but technically, as a norm on the web mainstream, a CMS doesn't fit your English definition and it's mainly a technical aspect not language one.

What you are referring to are FEATURES that you would like to see, not a CMS, since effectively XenForo is already a CMS.
You would never be able to edit or add these features over the forum - this should be a separate product that could potentially use XF as a framework (and using it as a framework is completely different than adding features).
XenPorta2 and XenForo's built in Page system is all you should ever need...

Or one of the other great solutions for a portal, including an new one, releasing his first beta soon (developed in germany). Every user can choose what is best for him and his project, that is the great point of having Xenforo as a forum and not as a CMS with included forum.
Seems like you skipped the second paragraph in wiki (which is not a source for definitions or information as a whole since people like me and you can write there anything we would like). So yeah, if you would like to continue trolling about the English definition of CMS you can go ahead, but technically, as a norm on the web mainstream, a CMS doesn't fit your English definition and it's mainly a technical aspect not language one.
The point you are skipping is
#1: XenForo contains content
#2: XenForo has a method of managing/maintaining that content
#3: Said content can be contributed by "authors" (specifically members)

Therefore, XenForo IS a content management system. It just doesn't happen to be what YOU consider and want a content management system to be. Very simple to understand.

I have bad news for you.... there is NO definition (technical) of a "CMS". There are several DIFFERENT definitions.

One description (which actually consists of several):
Another one:

So, no matter what you may wish, technically XenForo IS a content management system.

Is it as fully featured as the CMS that you want (something along the lines of Joomla/Drupal)... nope, and I hope to god it never gets there.

I'd prefer them to concentrate on the forum (there are areas it can be improved/enhanced). Now, if they see fit to hire an outside developer on-board to code (without it impacting the coding/development of the forum script) then more power to them - but I have a suspicion that for what it would cost to develop that add-on they would be a long time recouping their development costs. There are a vocal few who keep screaming for a CMS, and what several actually refer to are a portal/landing page when they say CMS.
Right, which is why the Huffington Post with 30-50 Million unique users each month uses it!

The NY Times, Techcrush, Tribune, etc......all fooled by this non-CMS for small sites!
Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Slashgear, BBC......all must have smaller websites than we do!

I think Washington Post too! don't forget them!!
The point you are skipping is
#1: XenForo contains content
#2: XenForo has a method of managing/maintaining that content
#3: Said content can be contributed by "authors" (specifically members)

Therefore, XenForo IS a content management system. It just doesn't happen to be what YOU consider and want a content management system to be. Very simple to understand.

Interesting point about language - really, while grammar rules exist, there are no true "rules" that rigidly define language. It's all defined by common use. This is why we end up with words like "bling" in the OED.

So it is with some irony that you attempt to argue this point by using the technical definition of a word to contradict the common use definition. What value are you hoping to add here, besides deliberately pretending to not understand why someone might use "CMS" to refer to a set of commonly understood features?

Yes, you can use XenForo to manage content. By the strict meaning of the individual words, you could call that a content management system. I could also use Microsoft Word to manage content, but that's not what we're talking about. Content Management Systems generally have a far more sophisticated set of publishing and content management functions, which XenForo does not.

To suggest otherwise is just arguing for the sake of arguing :rolleyes:. Just because it satisfies your needs to manage content does not mean that nobody else on the planet wants a real CMS.
if it weren't for the "graphic intensive" setup I would have probably adopted it. I don't like those pinterest style layouts, preferring actual text hierarchies and/or clear category layouts.
Me too.
blame that on pinterest-inspired setup on surfsup.

The CMS would add articles, a Tab Manager, and Pages. It would turn [New Posts] into [New Content]. It would be compatible with other major addons like: Post Ratings, Galleries, Wikis, etc.

XenPorta2 and XenForo's built in Page system is all you should ever need...
Thumbs up for XenPorta2.
Thumbs down for Xenforo's anemic Page system. There is a reason almost no one (including uses it.
To suggest otherwise is just arguing for the sake of arguing :rolleyes:. Just because it satisfies your needs to manage content does not mean that nobody else on the planet wants a real CMS.
No, my point is, be specific in what you are wanting.. using a BUZZ word like CMS won't really cut it.
Use a comparative, like - I need a JOOMLA type CMS, or WordPress. Don't use a buzzword. For me, a CMS is just that, something that manages content.

When you go get your car oil changed, do you tell them just to put oil in it, or do you let them know what kind of oil.

Same basic philosophy here... I keep reading people whining about wanting a CMS...CMS..CMS. Well, how about instead of saying "I want a CMS", try detailing what features you need performed. Wordpress as a CMS doesn't hold a candle to the power of Joomla or Drupal or bespoke code. Catch my drift yet?

Moshe finally kind of gave some of the functions he needs or would like to see. THAT is the type of information that is more helpful than the whine for a CMS.
Right, which is why the Huffington Post with 30-50 Million unique users each month uses it!

The NY Times, Techcrush, Tribune, etc......all fooled by this non-CMS for small sites!
Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Slashgear, BBC......all must have smaller websites than we do!
You're never going to win this argument. Anyone that makes claims like that is just following the herd. you will never convince them. There is nothing wrong with WP at all, it has great expandability, but it is still a PUBLISHING platform (notice every site you listed is a news(ish) and the ones that aren't are still using their sites primarily for publishing) type site.. I shied away from WP for years in my studio because I just didn't want to get into that. We developed almost exclusively for EE based sites for several years, but due to changes in our structure how to reach out more into the retail side of development and design. So I got involved with WP, and frankly it's a good system to build on as long as you keep it within the boundaries of what it's written to do. EE is by far the superior CMS in my eyes, but it's still under the radar in many areas, because they are a development based platform. you MUST understand the EE system. it's not like WP where there are a billion plugins, you actually have to be a real developer to use it. (other than a very thin site). and while it's a shame that more people aren't aware, it is also partly based on the fact that there is no free version. but anyway...

personally I've been using ExpressionEngine for the same length of time I used vBulletin which is since it's enception. Of course VB was around longer, but i prefer VB and EE until this latest debacle with vb that sent me running for the hills.

We picked up XF and so far I really like it. It definintely has a familiar feel to it.

Like I said, i just prefer forum makers make forums and just stick to what they do. The problem is created when a company decides to branch out to do something like bring in a CMS and they don't do it properly. meaning brining in a new team, and also bringing up a solid liason that works between the two new groups to keep everything running.

This to me is no different than buying a complete stereo back in the day. You didn't buy a pioneer or name brand stereo, you bought components. the same reaason I don't buy a Dell PC. I build it from components. Buying pre-packaged hardware always resulted in at least one item being compromised due to price. Well it's the same concept with software. A large company has the funding and stakeholders as well as the employees to do things like that, but every time I've seen a small(ish) software company do this, they don't do this, and i don't care what anyone says, when you stack things on the plates of existing personel, things suffer. it's not rocket science. and frankly in order to build out a complete CMS that could compete with matured software that is all over the web already, it would take a monumental effort, and would still likely fall short.

platforms like WP are great because the community takes over development of things. XF has the same right idea, in building a wonderful core system, and not spending too much time adding things that aren't necessary. Let the mod community do what they do best, build out on a great foundation. Everyone wins.

it all boils down to KISS
EE is by far the superior CMS in my eyes, but it's still under the radar in many areas, because they are a development based platform. you MUST understand the EE system....

And let's not forget they started charging $50 a month for their lowest tier support, which entitles you to one priority ticket a month, or whatever they're calling it. That probably didn't help them either. Maybe it's coincidence, but it seems that ever since they made changes like that I've been hearing about EE less and less.
And don't go to the Wordpress route please..

Why not? you think vb churned out a better CMS then wordpress? what a pile of overly expensive bloated crap that turned out to be. Poor excuse for a content manager. Pray xenforo never takes that route, I don't care how godly people think they'll code it either.
I've built a few Drupal 8 sites now and just love where Drupal is going. Its incredible.
I'm currently debating spending a few bucks as we speak, to migrate xenForo to Drupal 8 forums. I know, Drupal forums are nothing compared to xenForo but I'm not so sure this matters as much as a CMS. I've been running forums since the late 90's and I'm starting to look at more ways to share or organize content.
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I know, Drupal forums are nothing compared to xenForo but I'm not so sure this matters as much as a CMS.
xenForo CMS will be nothing compared to Drupal CMS or other big Open Source CMS like TYPO3. It`ll take a lot of time to make a new xenForo CMS as powerful as it`s competitors products. This why I`d prefer if xenForo would focus on forums and improve things like Rest API, single sign on etc. to make it easier to connect xF and systems like Drupal.
The next XF should be a product that ties the content presentation of WordPress with the interactivity of XF. Something where the first post of each thread looks more like a blog article (with ALL media attachments possible) and the comments under it are the forum replies.
I used to use vB 4 and the CMS was garbage. I have no use for one, but that is me. vB has been garbage since IB bought them. Their blog was garbage, their cms was garbage, and 4.0 forum was not all that good. 3.X rocked though!
There is always always going to be a need for a CMS in the 'article and front page' sense. Nothing can convince those people who want that feature set that they should instead have a boring list of forums as a home.

There are many solutions to this including bridges to full featured publishing platforms, xenporta, featured threads, etc but nothing yet official or as nicely integrated as native core or official add ons.

One has to assume the xenforo developers are satisfied with current available third party solutions to a growing customer need... one can't rule out however that there will one day be provision to configure this needed functionality in either the core or an official add on. Pigs might also fly, hell might freeze over and the moon might turn blue with pink spots. Within speculation lies both beauty and pain.
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