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In bb_code.css selector .bbCodeQuote .quoteContainer .quoteExpand has following CSS3 gradients:
That format has been replaced by new format over a year ago.
Direction of gradient should be not where gradient is originating from, but where it is going with "to" word before it. So correct syntax is "to bottom" instead of "top".
Also all prefixed versions except for -webkit can be removed:
-ms- prefix existed only in IE10 platform preview.
Opera has supported unprefixed version for long time, so -o- version isn't needed ether.
-moz- prefix is needed only for really ancient Firefox browsers.
So it can be cut to 2 lines using new syntax for unprefixed version:
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);
background: linear-gradient(top, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);
Direction of gradient should be not where gradient is originating from, but where it is going with "to" word before it. So correct syntax is "to bottom" instead of "top".
Also all prefixed versions except for -webkit can be removed:
-ms- prefix existed only in IE10 platform preview.
Opera has supported unprefixed version for long time, so -o- version isn't needed ether.
-moz- prefix is needed only for really ancient Firefox browsers.
So it can be cut to 2 lines using new syntax for unprefixed version:
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, {xen:helper rgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color, 0} 0%, {xen:helper unrgba, @bbCodeQuoteMessage.background-color} 80%);