Interview with Shawn Hogan (Digital Point)

How eBay Worked With The FBI To Put Its Top Affiliate Marketers In Prison

‘EBay, in a statement, told Business Insider, "eBay has zero tolerance for criminal activity on its platforms; and, we are pleased that justice has been served in this matter."’

So, someone allegedly defrauded eBay. What then about the FBI investigating eBay’s own criminal activities? After all, eBay is the greatest calculated facilitator of wire fraud on consumers that the world is ever likely to know …

The ugly reality for consumers dealing with the clunky, unscrupulous, manipulative, and atrophying eBay/PayPal criminal complex ...

"eBay-Facilitated Shill Bidding Fraud on eBay Auctions: Case Study #5" ...
The great unsaid is that all these big companies - google too - let lots of things go on for a LONG time because they benefited. Google could have gotten rid of scraper sites years earlier...

I'm not saying they broke the law - no law says you have to innovate or update at a certain speed. So theirs was a sin of omission. Once their biz grew big enough, they were free to tighten up.
The difference between, say, Google and eBay is that eBay is now so desperate for revenue that their previously only tacit support of shill bidding fraud on eBay auctions has now become blatant and calculated, as can be demonstrated, beyond any doubt, to any reasonable person, in the matter of eBay seller "eDropOff"; the whole ugly story at
Well, I hope Shawn doesn't get a jail term...and, if so, only a very short one. Justice is pretty blind - as the big corporate lawyers can definitely make sure the big biz is protected.

I guess he has the right attitude. The FBI and Gubment and big corps play whack-a-mole regularly...that is, anyone who stands out high enough is gonna get smacked down. As the largest beneficiary of the ebay $$$, it would be hard to stay under the radar.
The FBI and Gubment and big corps play whack-a-mole regularly...that is, anyone who stands out high enough is gonna get smacked down. As the largest beneficiary of the ebay $$$, it would be hard to stay under the radar.

Ironically the largest beneficiary of the whole eBay affiliation scheme was and still is eBay themselves, and in the past they didn't seem to bother where the purchases truly came from. I mean I find it ludicrous that eBay claims they didn't know anything of the cookie stuffing thing from the beginning. Anyhow, my best of luck to Shawn. I think remember reading that the verdict is in August.
Holy cow.. eBay paid Hogan a staggering $28 million in affiliate marketing sales commissions over the years, according to court papers.

Says he pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud which can lead up to 20 years in prison.
Hogan and Dunning could potentially get up to 20 years in prison. For first offenses, they'd likely get less.
Hogan tells us he doesn't think about it. "It certainly would be an interesting life experience ... Probably would be annoying after a while, but there certainly would be some short-term upside to it like not having everyone in the world bothering you and no responsibilities."

Apparently Shawn isn't too concerned either way.

Apparently Shawn isn't too concerned either way.

I'm concerned.

Have you stocked up on the cork Shawn?

this story has the potential of becoming the next cinema blockbuster...... it seems life is stranger than fiction sometimes :confused:

Reminds me of the saga.....

Good luck to Shawn!

does this mean that the xf addon digital ads positioning has a trojan inside that displays adsense of shawn instead of your own adsesnse? 98% shows ur adsense and 2% is from shawns hidden adsense?
does this mean that the xf addon digital ads positioning has a trojan inside that displays adsense of shawn instead of your own adsesnse? 98% shows ur adsense and 2% is from shawns hidden adsense?
LOL...that is absurd and for
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