Installing XenForo Locally and Setting-up Eclipse


XenForo developer
Staff member
The easiest way to develop for XenForo is to install a copy onto your own computer and then set it up as a project within Eclipse so that you get the benefits of syntax highlighting, code completion, code insights, easy code navigation and all the other benefits that a full IDE can provide over working in a simple text editor.

This video shows you how.

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Note that in the demo I am using Zend Studio, but everything that you see in the demo is also available in Eclipse PDT, which is available for free.
I was actually speaking to someone about this very topic and am quite glad you posted it, thanks. I will take you up on your video's offer of help if this doesn't help me. I think my issues with setting this up is all software based or was, I haven't tried again since wiping my hdd's but I think I am ready for it again.

Question: Do you know of any issues with installing Zend Studio or Eclipse to a virtual container ( parallels, vmware etc..), I was going to test out osx and figured I may as well try Zend and Eclipse on that os to duplicate exactly what you did. ( I have almost been convinced to buy a Mac Laptop, the OS itself is my last hurdle)

I am just lost and windows & webdav hate me when they get together apparently and I'm thinking that instead of wasting time setting up a client I could be learning what I want to be learning right now.
I dread to think what it would be like working with XenForo without an IDE environment like this :P
I've been using Zend Studio for several years now, but Mike didn't switch over to an IDE until we started XenForo. (in July 2009). Before then, he was a committed UltraEdit user. I think he was shocked at the massive increase in productivity that the switch brought about.

With the single class per file approach that we've taken with XenForo, not using an IDE like Eclipse seems like an exercise in masochism. ;)
I managed to set up something like this a few months ago when Ifirst started to play around with XenForo.
Was inspired by some other thread where this was discussed. It has made everything so much more fun and easier.

Especially love that i finally can do some proper debugging with single steps. Has always missed that.
Have no idea why it took me so long set that up actually.

Have no idea why it took me so long set that up actually.
...and I have no idea why I was having so many problems before ( I will for pride reasons ignore caffeine crashes and a serious lack of sleep and say I don't know) but I have it setup now :-)

This was actually really really easy once I watched the video...a note... don't setup your default workspace in a directory that overlaps your XF installation or it will not allow you to finalize the creation of a new php project. Once I got past this everything worked just fine. And wow, now I can see all methods classes etc, which is going to for sure help me understand how this (XF) works which will help me build a mod properly. THANK YOU KIER AND WOW.

Now back to trying to learn some more.
Thanks Kier. Did you setup a Virtual Host in ZSCE to point to your ~/Sites folder instead of the default /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs folder?
Thanks Kier. Did you setup a Virtual Host in ZSCE to point to your ~/Sites folder instead of the default /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs folder?
Yes, using this:

Listen 80
HostnameLookups Off

User _www
Group staff

<Directory "/Users/kier/Sites/">
    Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName kier
        DocumentRoot /Users/kier/Sites
Yes, using this:

Listen 80
HostnameLookups Off

User _www
Group staff

<Directory "/Users/kier/Sites/">
    Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName kier
        DocumentRoot /Users/kier/Sites
Nice!.. I will try this since I HATE having to type the address:/port/path/to

But I have a question, I don't have a conf.d directory, should I just be using /conf /my.conf ?
Thanks! That makes life much easier. Did you also have to edit the /private/etc/hosts file so that you can use http://kier as your local url?
Ahh thanks for wonder I couldn't figure it out.. <facepalm> lol no wonder I was lost , I crossed some wires in my head and somehow mashed up virtual host and host name into one big mess. I am just going to change my hosts file in windows should do the same thing...I'll y'all know if it works for me...
Nice!.. I will try this since I HATE having to type the address:/port/path/to

But I have a question, I don't have a conf.d directory, should I just be using /conf /my.conf ?
Try just making a conf.d directory, I think Zend Server is set up to inspect it by default.
ahh ok that would help...I was about to suffer something along the lines of an infarction trying to figure it out. And the windows host files does nothing on local, but It may have somehting to do with the changes I have already made for other various things non XF related.

I will try it in a few minutes here...

I know your not a windows man but if you had to guess (or happen to know by chance) would I point to the directory starting with C: or start from the appache root with / ? I know, I mangled this question but I don't know how to properly ask it.
( I was referencing this line--> <Directory "/Users/kier/Sites/"> from your post )
I know your not a windows man but if you had to guess (or happen to know by chance) would I point to the directory starting with C: or start from the appache root with / ? I know, I mangled this question but I don't know how to properly ask it.
( I was referencing this line--> <Directory "/Users/kier/Sites/"> from your post )

You'll need to put the full path to the directory starting with c:
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