Install and Upgrade of AddOns and Updates in XF 2.0


Active member
Hello everyone,

how will the install of AddOns and their upgrade work in 2.0?
How will updates for the board itself work?

Is it the same way that we have to download them individually, upload them and run the installer or is there some automation to it?
Like getting a notice in the Admin Area and just install it from there?

how will the install of AddOns and their upgrade work in 2.0?
You will need to contact the developers for any third party add-ons.
There may be an upgrade path, it may require uninstalling and reinstalling.

Official XF add-ons will have an upgrade path, as will the forum software.
The process is slightly different, but ultimately, yes, you still need to upload the files and run the installer. I think that may have been what you were asking more than anything.

There's no automatic update/add on installer style feature for core or third party add ons.
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