XF 2.0 individual user Field not imported complete


Active member
I've been through ALL importers for half a year. NONE has correctly imported with "individual user fields". Repeatedly tested with all versions.
The fields are imported, but no checkbox selections and no radio buttons.
In XF_user, however, the data and fields are in "blob".
Now I have to set everything up manually, maybe he reads the blob data correctly in the fields. it is an attempt.

LG: Tammy
The problem is not in the importer! The Bug is in XF2.0/2.1

I manually create a selection with radio buttons, I can not enter a normal text in the selection.
Selected is "none", but is processed: 0-9, A-Z and _
I can not save.


It's not the fields! The message always comes. I have registered in all fields only "google". In ID, description, title - no sign like google - also no spaces.

LG: Tammy
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The error message is a bit misleading, it does not refer to field values but the field ID.

The Field ID (probably named ID des Feldes in your translation, its the first input field on the page) must only contain 0-9, A-Z and _
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