Importing Large MySQL Databases with Putty - Step-by-Step Guide


Well-known member
In 2016, I wrote this guide so I could remember the steps. Since I'm about to delete that page, I wanted to still keep the information in case I need it again and wanted to publish it here in case it might be useful to some of you. Now, I don't know how current this guide is (which is why I haven't published it as a resource) and I haven't tested it recently. The guide was translated using chatgpt.
DIY webmasters often face hurdles when importing large MySQL databases via Phpmyadmin due to size limitations and timeouts. This need can arise in various scenarios, such as restoring a site after a hack, moving to a new hosting service, or implementing local changes.
2. The Solution - SSH: SSH protocol provides a secure channel for hosting account communication. Check its availability in your hosting account's 'Cpanel' and consult technical support if needed.
3. Preparing for SSH Access: Within Cpanel, locate or request necessary SSH account details:
  • Username
  • Port
  • Hostname
  • Password
4. Choosing the Right Tools: Download and use Putty or WinSCP for SSH access. Both operate similarly for this process.
5. Managing Files via FTP: You'll need File Zilla, an FTP client, to access and manage your website's folders.
6. Initiating the Process:
  • Open File Zilla and connect to your web space.
  • Create a new folder named 'BackupDB'.
  • Upload the large .sql database file to this folder.
7. Using Putty for Import: Once the database is uploaded:
  • Open Putty to get started.
  • Enter the HostName and Port, and click Open.
If a security alert appears, click NO.
8. SSH Account Login: In Putty's new window:
  • Type your SSH account's username and press Enter.
  • Enter the password and press Enter again.
9. Executing the Import Command: Type and execute the import command in Putty, replacing placeholders with your specific details:
mysql -h [Host Name] -u [SSH Username] -p[SSH User Password] [Database Name] < /home/www/[Website Name]/BackupDB/[Database File Name].sql
  • Ensure all the necessary fields are correctly filled.
10. Finding the Absolute Path: To locate the file’s absolute path on the server:
  • Create a .php file named 'path.php'.
  • Insert the following code:
 $path = getcwd();
 echo "The absolute path of my backupDB folder is: ";
 echo $path;
  • Use File Zilla to place this file in the relevant FTP folder and access it through your browser to get the path.
11. Finalizing the Import:
  • Replace the command in Putty with the absolute path.
  • Copy and paste the command into Putty and press Enter.
  • If all steps are correctly followed, your database will be uploaded successfully.
12. Post-Import Cleanup: Ensure everything is in order and delete the 'BackupDB' folder along with its contents via FTP using File Zilla.
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