XF 2.1 Importing emoji's from Emojione


It's been a long time since I've been through this and I wanted to make sure I'm doing this correctly.

It's my understanding that all that's needed to expand the number of default emoji's is download the free upgrade offered here by Emojione.
Then, it's just a matter of going to the smilies section in the ACP and importing the file, correct?

As I recall I had a lot of manual labor invovled when I moved from vB to xF when it came to the emoji's available. We had to label them individually :D and ;-). We shouldn't have to do this again, should we?

Thanks for help/reassurance!!
Right, then my comments still apply - you previously upgraded from XF 1.5.

XF 1.5 database tables do not support emoji. The manual section I linked to above contains additional steps required to make your database tables support emoji.

Once those steps have been completed, you will be able to see and use the additional emoji.
And off I go.

Ah, you've not screwed anything up here :)

It's just one of those things we can't run automatically for users who were using XF 1.5, and you wouldn't really know to run it unless you have a need to use emoji, or notice that it's missing (as is the case here).
This is the relevant manual section:
I probably have a stupid question :)

The script always aborts at the table xf_search_index. Connection to mysql lost. The hoster now says the table is too big to convert.

Time for a stupid question... the name sounds like it's just the complete search index. If I can just empty the table, run the script again and when it's done, i go to XF Admin --> Tools --> rebuild search index and everything would be fine?

Or do I have a thinking flaw in the procedure somewhere?
Time for a stupid question... the name sounds like it's just the complete search index. If I can just empty the table, run the script again and when it's done, i go to XF Admin --> Tools --> rebuild search index and everything would be fine?
Before I even read this sentence, that's what I was going to suggest. So not a terrible idea :)

Alternatively to running it via the Admin CP you can rebuild the search index via the command line too, which may be slightly quicker (at least you won't need to keep a specific browser window open, with risks of timeouts etc.)
php cmd.php xf-rebuild:search
Right, I am trying to do this but my ssh is very poor and do not wanna mess it up lol.

My first issue is getting into the right directory.

[root@hb szadmin]# pwd

Go easy - after hours of googling i am at a loss as how do I change your current working directory to your XenForo directory

ls will show you a list of contents in the current directory.

When you do that, you may see something like public_html (the exact folder structure will vary drastically depending on a number of factors).

You can then use cd (Change directory) followed by the directory name to change into that directory e.g. cd public_html.

That may not be your XF root still, but you can do ls again and repeat until you have found the correct directory.

It’s better and easier to just know the path up front of course. Then you can just do cd /home/path/to/xf and go straight there 🙂
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