XF 2.3 Importing from discourse


New member
Alright so I've installed and setup XenForo installed the importers add on and uploaded a backup download of my discourse install and typed that into the importer however it needs PostgreSQL information which I don't know where to find/provide.

What else needs done here or how would I find the information for the importer?
I got it to work over here.
I also ended up getting the importer to work the way I did it was copy the discourse database and upload in a database that wasn't in the docker container with that I was then able to connect to it and run the importer the only issue I ran into was password encryption I just commented all that out as I already informed users passwords would probably have to be reset.
I also ended up getting the importer to work the way I did it was copy the discourse database and upload in a database that wasn't in the docker container with that I was then able to connect to it and run the importer the only issue I ran into was password encryption I just commented all that out as I already informed users passwords would probably have to be reset.
What did you use to "host" the database outside of the container?
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