XF 2.0 Import from SMF 2.0.15 to Xenforo 2



I just bought Xenforo 2 yesterday and now, I was just done setting it up on our web host. Now, I want to import our existing SMF 2.0.15 forum to the newly installed Xenforo 2. When I checked the Import option, I can't find SMF, only vBulletins.

Is there really no workaround for this? I wanted to have this done asap.
Not really.

Best thing to do at this point is probably re-upload the XF 1.5 files, reset the password, then re-upload the XF 2.0 files and try the upgrade again.
Actually, as a short cut, as long as the XF1 files are still on the server, you can probably just get away with only uploading the index.php file from XF1, changing the password, then uploading the index.php file from XF2.
That usually happens when one of these MySQL configuration values is exceeded:


So, yes, you should be able to refresh the page, but increasing those values will help to ensure it doesn't happen anymore.
They're MySQL configuration values so either there will be a file on the server (my.cnf usually) or an interface in your hosting panel or your host will have to adjust them for you.
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