I have a problem when importing my IP.Board to XenForo. Precisely, I miss some data in the posts table after the import. Everything else (threads, members) etc. imports fine.
My IP.Board posts table before import shows ~612,255 rows (phpMyAdmin).
First I tried with the vanilla XenForo importer but after the import when I checked xf_post table there were something like 880k rows. Waaay to much.
So I decided to install Import Tools by Waindigo to avoid duplicate rows but after the first go xf_post had about 450k rows, and today after the third attempt it shows ~582,524 rows. It's the best result but still missing about 30k of post messages!
AdminCP showed no import errors after any of these imports.
I use shared hosting with PHP 5.4 (FastCGI) and import via Chrome/Firefox. My IP.Board is version 3.4 and it is only modded with Shoutbox and some antispam mods.
I have a problem when importing my IP.Board to XenForo. Precisely, I miss some data in the posts table after the import. Everything else (threads, members) etc. imports fine.
My IP.Board posts table before import shows ~612,255 rows (phpMyAdmin).
First I tried with the vanilla XenForo importer but after the import when I checked xf_post table there were something like 880k rows. Waaay to much.
So I decided to install Import Tools by Waindigo to avoid duplicate rows but after the first go xf_post had about 450k rows, and today after the third attempt it shows ~582,524 rows. It's the best result but still missing about 30k of post messages!
AdminCP showed no import errors after any of these imports.
I use shared hosting with PHP 5.4 (FastCGI) and import via Chrome/Firefox. My IP.Board is version 3.4 and it is only modded with Shoutbox and some antispam mods.