XF 1.2 Import error: The attachments directory could not be found.


Well-known member
I am getting this error on import.

Following Brogan's advice, I have cloned my site into a new domain, so from mysite.com to mysite.org, and I have deleted all the forums I do not want imported.

On import, the XF importer picks up the attachments as:


That does not work (says: The attachments directory could not be found) and changing it to:


It says the same.

Any ideas what might be going on? (The attachments are in the images/attachments folder and the vB ACP attachments directory is set to the same directory)
Yes they are on the same server, however, I changed the nameservers yesterday for the XF site (back to my old server - where I had XF installed before I copied it to the new server) but I have checked and the sites are on the same server (I have a thread on the old server saying 'old server')

They are installed:

Full, live site:


and the clone with deleted forums etc is at:


I can go to the folder and pwd shows the path as per my first post, so the path is definitely correct.
Ok this is weird - turning the board on/off does not have any effect!

Going to the forum I see the forum on the old, could it be that the admin CP is still resolving to the new server? Very odd - never seen that before!
Did you copy all the attachments over? If not, it may be a permissions error.

In reality, it still could potentially be a permission error if the new .org user can't read the attachment directory - I don't know the ownership or permission settings on that.

Another workaround would be to move the attachments back to the database.
Have you changed the details to point to the new database in the config file?

Actually scrap my last post - the ACP is controlling the active/inactive state (just wasn't showing me while logged in).

Re DB details, yep, changed in the vB config to new DB, and those details entered in the XF importer.
Did you copy all the attachments over? If not, it may be a permissions error.

In reality, it still could potentially be a permission error if the new .org user can't read the attachment directory - I don't know the ownership or permission settings on that.

Another workaround would be to move the attachments back to the database.

Hi Mike

Permissions seem ok:

drwxrwxrwx 11 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 6 2012 attachments

And inside the attachments folder:

drwxrwxrwx 12 site_org site_org 16K Oct 27 21:51 1
drwxrwxrwx 11 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 6 2012 2
drwxrwxrwx 8 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 5 2012 3
drwxrwxrwx 10 site_org site_org 24K Dec 2 2012 4
drwxrwxrwx 10 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 6 2012 5
drwxrwxrwx 7 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 6 2012 6
drwxrwxrwx 5 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 6 2012 7
drwxr-xr-x 4 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 6 2012 8
drwxr-xr-x 6 site_org site_org 4.0K Jun 5 2012 9
-rw-r--r-- 1 site_org site_org 1 Jun 6 2012 index.html

I thought about changing the attachments to DB, but as it's currently pointing to the live sites path, I'm worried it might delete the files there - can you remember if doing that actually removes the attachments? If not I could try that..
Edit: I changed storage to DB and it's working now, thanks both! I did not 'finalise' the change tho (so it didn't delete the attachments in file storage)
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