If You Were King

I've made this thread on several forums and Azhria is the only person to have addressed both questions with a single solution.

But hey!!!!! This land does not have guns. Remember I said their technology is far behind our own.

Don't you think that Pol Pot character looks like that Sato guy Mr Miyagi fought in Karate Kid 2?

To answer my own question, it would be a monarchy/empire. Ideally monarchy = God then Family first.

I think that's why they've lasted so long, even if they're god's are made up lol smh.

Longest Monarchy is Japan. Longest Empire is China then Egypt.
It took me a long time to come up with something. I was looking at various forms of government then when I looked at how long they lasted compared to monarchy-empires I realized something about human nature. Most people believe in a higher power. That belief itself is stronger than any form of government. The longest lasting governments (monarchy/empires) have taken aspects of that belief and effectively integrated into their own rule.
It took me a long time to come up with something. I was looking at various forms of government then when I looked at how long they lasted compared to monarchy-empires I realized something about human nature. Most people believe in a higher power. That belief itself is stronger than any form of government. The longest lasting governments (monarchy/empires) have taken aspects of that belief and effectively integrated into their own rule.
As I said... become a god . . . why stop at kingship :D
lol didn't you see that vid I posted? So that some Leonidas type dude don't throw a spear at my face to prove that I can bleed.

I at least learned SOMETHING from the movie 300.
Bah . . he's a wannabe king, not a god .... granted Dwayne Johnson was mighty hot in Scorpion King. . . but still :D
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I prefer this variation... with the lovely Alan Rickman :D
Azhria people kill gods (and goddesses) - you may rise again as Inanna and Ariadne did after 3 days but it all seems awfully uncomfortable to me.

Lots of people have done just this at various times in history and all had their problems eventually. The Romans had far superior tech, which is why they ended up as far as the UK.

That's a popular idea originally pushed by Brit historians - Brits considered themselves the heirs of Rome so superior to ...
But actually wRome was not that good at weapons. They copied stuff from other peoples. The Celts were the supreme metalworkers of the age. Where the Romans beat them and everyone else was inventing a standing army of soulless units drilled to obey. Other peoples still fought on the heroic ideal, fighting individual duels for plunder or sheer honour. The Romans actually broke their own laws in order to finally beat the Celts (see the Marcus dicatorship, and his massacres)
The UK was a Roman goal because of raw materials, tin, iron, furs, slaves. Like Africa later. But it was always a backward province and not a peaceful one either. Uppity Celts again.

People are too complex. I wouldn't want to be even a benevolent dictator...

Me neither but I would use a less pleasant word than complex. Basically dickwaving has taken over, including women which is pathetic. Domination domination. Blah boring.

I used to work a lot around empowering others to work by consensus. It worked beautifully for about 10 years about 1984 - 1993. I coordinated a national grid of about 2,000 people. Then the 90s culture infected everyone - grab, greed, debt, fear, dickwaving, distrust. You can't force people to practice freedom - contradiction - so I gave up.

Those 70s 80s years were very special, but you need a whole social context to make trust and respect work.
Bah . . he's a wannabe king, not a god .... granted Dwayne Johnson was mighty hot in Scorpion King. . . but still :D
lol no the point I was trying to make (should've chose another video) was that Xerxes was saying he was a god. King Leonidas proved him wrong by making him bleed.
lol no the point I was trying to make (should've chose another video) was that Xerxes was saying he was a god. King Leonidas proved him wrong by making him bleed.
He's still a wannabe :D (I know what you're saying really . . . but my world, my reality ;) )
Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate

United States: 10.3
United Kingdom: 0.25

United States: 3.60
United Kingdom: 0.04

Yea your right gun control doesn't work. :rolleyes:
  • In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.

  • In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.

  • By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.

  • In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.

  • In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).

  • In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).

  • That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US.
Lets say you woke up one day and found yourself in another land/world etc whose technology was far behind your own. After discovering how smart you were (if you're an ignorant poster you should probably leave this thread now) they asked you to become king of their land. Would you become a king at their request or would you create a different goverment and how would it be ran?

You also need to take in consideration the religion of that land/world because it could be something you don't believe in or that could interfere with your work.
I would reject the offer. I see no reason why I would need to be ruler to offer the benefits of my knowledge. Besides, I don't believe in monarchies. The government derives its right to govern from the consent of the citizens, not by divine right, heredity, or force.
Don't you think that Pol Pot character looks like that Sato guy Mr Miyagi fought in Karate Kid 2?

View attachment 61839
They never fought. Daniel fought his nephew. When Sato thought Miyagi was going to fight him, it was only to free him from the timber he was trapped under. In fact, the premise was Miyagi wouldn't fight him even though he was demanding it to have his honor restored.
to become king of their land.
And we'll never be royals (royals)
It don't run in our blood
That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)You can call me queen bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule
Let me live that fantasy

My friends and I we've cracked the code
We count our dollars on the train to the party
And everyone who knows us knows
That we're fine with this, we didn't come from money

But every song's like:
Gold teeth
Grey Goose
Tripping in the bathroom
Ball gowns
Trashing the hotel room

We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
  • In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.

  • In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.

  • By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.

  • In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.

  • In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).

  • In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).

  • That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US.
Nice copy and paste job.

With only 332 deaths from knife crime a year, I'd rarther take my chances with someone with a knife than a gun.
And even if the knife crime rate is higher in the uk. The total murder rate per 100,000 people is the uk is 1.22 compared with 4.8 in the us.
Nice copy and paste job.

With only 332 deaths from knife crime a year, I'd rarther take my chances with someone with a knife than a gun.
And even if the knife crime rate is higher in the uk. The total murder rate per 100,000 people is the uk is 1.22 compared with 4.8 in the us.
From 0-20 feet away from an attacker with a knife...a defender with a gun has no chance.

I have trained with Danny Inosanto...let's see what he says...
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Stabbings are personal, they often are done in the heat of the moment, crimes of passion, or a severely long harbored hatred of a person or entity. Do you know why stabbings happen less here...no, no more than I know why shootings happen less there, however I am willing to bet stabbings kidnappings and rape happen less here than over there BECAUSE we have guns.

Take all the chances you want, complain about guns all you want...at the end of the day when your country has less rape, abductions / kidnapping crimes then you should start worrying about guns in another country...until then you should figure out why people are so pissed off that they stab people like crazy where you are, or why you have so many hopeless romantics who don't understand that no means no...if you really want to worry about anything (that actually effects you where you are).

Those are just numbers on paper (usually constructed by people with an agenda) and mean nothing to me...how do I know the people keeping the books are honest? I don't, and for all I know everyone in this thread is full of chit and at the end of the day I just don't care. If me having a gun bothers you and you are on the other side of the ocean... stay there...the freedom to have a gun in the US is significant in the way that our belief in the idea of freedom (including that to own guns) is what was to free us from the oppression of a small ruling class of people from the opposite end of the world and because of that I drink coffee instead of tea and don't pay taxes or owe allegiance to the crown.

If I was King, (besides stupid statistics about guns and knives being repeated by people who have never used either in defense of their lives or someone else being made a ban-able offense ) everyone would be forced to own a gun once adult age...we are all equal now, get over yourself and don't act up because justice WILL be served.

Problems solved...no more arguments over things that have no bearing on reality and now I can get my royal scepter polished and take my ass to sleep after a job well done.

Ahhh royalty, makes you want to wear purple on your back, gold on your head and a smile on your face.
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