XF 2.0 HTML Widget


Well-known member
Say I wanted to add a fontawesome icon in the header of a html widget, how do I do this? What is the code to read a widget key/definition?

For the Font Awesome (4.7) I use this code before the {$title} :
<i class="fa fa-bar-chart fa-fixed-width" style="padding-right:3px;"></i>

What is the code to read a widget key/definition?
What do you mean ? This <xf:widget key="widget_key" /> ?

Regards, SyTry
I tried this in my extra.less and it did not work:
[data-widget-id="about_us"] .block-minorHeader:before {<xf:macro template="uix_icons.less" name="content" arg-icon="user-multiple" />}
I tried this in my extra.less and it did not work:
[data-widget-id="about_us"] .block-minorHeader:before {<xf:macro template="uix_icons.less" name="content" arg-icon="user-multiple" />}
Why not use my code since it's an HTML widget ? It's easier than the method you're trying. ^^
[data-widget-id="about_us"] ID is a number

In your ACP got to Appearance > Widgets and check the ID for the widget you want to use (select the widget ans see in the address bar the ID)
Why not use my code since it's an HTML widget ? It's easier than the method you're trying. ^^

The HTML widget template doesn't hold the {$title}.

[data-widget-id="about_us"] ID is a number

In your ACP got to Appearance > Widgets and check the ID for the widget you want to use (select the widget ans see in the address bar the ID)

.block[data-widget-id="77"] .block-minorHeader:before {<xf:macro template="uix_icons.less" name="content" arg-icon="search-plus" />}

Doesn't work.
Is HTML code is valid in the title field of a HTML widget ? Where can we put your code exactly ?
This is my HTML widget :
<div class="block"{{ widget_data($widget) }}>
    <div class="block-container">
        <h3 class="block-minorHeader"><i class="fa fa-users fa-large fa-fixed-width" style="padding-right:3px;"></i>Groupes d'utilisateurs</h3>
            <div class="block-body block-row">
                <dl class="pairs pairs--justified">
                    <div class="username" style="text-align:center;">
            <span class="username--style3">Fondateur</span>
            <br><span class="username--style5">Administrateur</span>
            <br><span class="username--style4">Modérateur</span>
            <br><span class="username--style6">Assistant</span>
            <br><span class="username--style9">Ancien Staff</span>
            <br><span class="username--style12">Partenaire</span>
            <br><span class="username--style11">Elite'X</span>
            <br><span class="username--style7">Premium</span>
            <br><span class="username--style8">Donateur</span>
            <br><span class="username--style2">Membre</span>

I put my code after <h3 class="block-minorHeader"> and before Groupes d'utilisateurs (my {$title}) ^^
I was thinking about something like that, but i'm a beginner so... :)
        font-family: "FontAwesome";
        content: "\f004";
        margin-right: 5px;
I was thinking about something like that, but i'm a beginner so... :)
        font-family: "FontAwesome";
        content: "\f004";
        margin-right: 5px;

    .p-title-value {display: none;}
    .p-title {float: right;}

Doesn't work. My code should work. Works with all the other widgets. It's just I have always used a widget definition. I have never used a html widget as it doesn't have a definition like the others.
.block[data-widget-id="77"] .block-minorHeader:before {<xf:macro template="uix_icons.less" name="content" arg-icon="search-plus" />}
Change ID to whatever the ID you want to use to try it with UI.x template.
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