How To Uninstall Internet Explorer on Windows 7?

This Windows 'Developer Tools' function in IE9 is garbage. The same two people still can't post cause they're in IE7 and IE7 mode does not show their problems.
Another solution.

Go here:

Notice there's about 6 files called "Windows Vista Internet Explorer 7"? Download all of these and then install Virtual PC:

You're going to need Windows 7 Professional or higher though... Home Premium won't do it.

This is an IE App Compat VHD. It allows you to run a virtual copy of Windows Vista that has Internet Explorer 7 installed.
Thank you. Another girl just told me she can't post so I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out the problem.

I disabled all the listeners and the TMS system and they still can't post so I'm just non-plussed man.
I have some XP machines. I might be able to test this for you in IE7.

Are we saying that every person who has IE7 can't post?
I have some XP machines. I might be able to test this for you in IE7.

Are we saying that every person who has IE7 can't post?
They can view the site fine while logged out. When logged in though, the status message input box in the navigation_visitor_tab creates a huge white space. So basically it's like a white version of the login page where it drops down, but you have to scroll down to see the rest of the site.
This Windows 'Developer Tools' function in IE9 is garbage. The same two people still can't post cause they're in IE7 and IE7 mode does not show their problems.
I use is awesome...

enjoy your free helped me so I grabbed an unrestricted testing package.
For some reason I am now seeing the error in IE9 that everyone is seeing in IE7. I have no idea why it's just now showing.

Oh man I have no idea how to fix this. I hate this. Site works okay n Firefox and Google.
you don't download it, it is virtual desktops that you login to remotely through your web browser. You end up with a browser window with an operating system running inside that has whatever browser you want to use. You literally sign up and try it in seconds.

Browserstack is strictly speaking a service and nothing is needed on your end other than a web browser.
certain components of windows rely on ie ...

I always live by this one when it comes to ie ...remove it and your computer will have problems, use it and you yourself will have problems.
Maybe with IE6, but I've really never had any major issues with using IE7+. I don't use it mainly because it lacks extensions and other features that I get from Firefox and Chrome, but my parents are using IE9 all the time and it works just fine for them. And I believe it's entirely sandboxed on Win7, making it quite secure.
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