XF 2.2 How to proceed correctly with the promotion of a user group?


Active member
If I want to promote a user from group 1 (which is a primary group) [secondary group 2 is after 5 messages] and promote a user to secondary group 3 after 10 messages
Is it recommended to create in the second promotion a promotion that promotes group 2 after 10 messages
Or a promotion that promotes group 1 to group 3 after 10 messages?
KISS principle.
Set promotion to user group from base to #1 after X messages.
Set promotion to user group #2 after Y messages.
Think cumulative. You don't need to specify that they already be a member of group #1 if your promotions work correctly.. although you can use tha additional restriction.

And apply the appropriate priorities to each user group if using banners.
Is it recommended to create in the second promotion a promotion that promotes group 2 after 10 messages
I'd say that's totally up to you and what the differences are between the groups and how you want to add permissions each promotion.

This is how I do it:

  • Registered group (primary) = all posts require moderation and no editing allowed
  • 1st promotion after 2 (approved posts) adds secondary group with permissions to post without moderation
  • 2nd promotion after 5 posts adds secondary group with permissions to edit.

NB just to clarify the wording ("If I want to promote a user from group 1):

you wouldn't actually promote from group 1 to group 2 as promotions just add a secondary group not replace the primary. The primary group (registered) should always remain of course
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I'd say that's totally up to you and what the differences are between the groups and how you want to add permissions each promotion.

This is how I do it:

  • Registered group (primary) = all posts require moderation and no editing allowed
  • 1st promotion after 2 (approved posts) adds secondary group with permissions to post without moderation
  • 2nd promotion after 5 posts adds secondary group with permissions to edit.

NB just to clarify the wording ("If I want to promote a user from group 1):

you wouldn't actually promote from group 1 to group 2 as promotions just add a secondary group not replace the primary. The primary group (registered) should always remain of course
My question is: in your second promotion, do you mark those who are in the main group, who will be promoted after 5 approved posts, or do you do something else: mark those who are in the first secondary group (those who have been approved for 2 posts), who will be promoted after 5 approved ones.

2. Another question: does the promotion of the users have an immediate effect? Since I tried it on a user who will be promoted after 5 messages, but he is not promoted.
in your second promotion, do you mark those who are in the main group, who will be promoted after 5 approved posts, or do you do something else: mark those who are in the first secondary group (those who have been approved for 2 posts), who will be promoted after 5 approved ones.
I'm not sure I understand. I don't mark any users. The promotions are based purely on number of (approved) posts.

The first promotion adds the group OK to Post who can post without moderation.

When the second promotion happens, it adds the edit allowed group Allowed to Edit. It will affect all user with 5 posts so they already have the OK to Post secondary, this one adds another secondary to that so they now have both secondary groups OK to post and Allowed to Edit
I'm not sure I understand. I don't mark any users. The promotions are based off number of posts.
I think what he is asking is if you restrict the upgrade at 10 posts to ONLY those that have 5 posts... ergo the recommendation I made of a generic (unless requiring posts in a specific area) to the next level at 10 posts in areas that apply.
Extensive specificity can cause issues in promotions, so you have to be ASSURED that they are necessary.

In the apparent case submitted, a simple promotion to a third (or whatever number group) after 10 posts is the simplest. As stated, they are cumulative, and if using banners or such for special "significance" then the display style priority comes into effect.
if you restrict the upgrade at 10 posts to ONLY those that have 5 posts... ergo the recommendation I
Now I am confused. Surely if they have 10 posts, they already had the 5 post promotion. It won't be prompting anyone who don't have that anyway.

Now I am confused. Surely if they have 10 posts, they already had the 5 post promotion. It won't be prompting anyone who don't have that anyway.

yes, but you CAN restrict the upgrade to SPECIFIC user groups.. so if you limited it to those that had already met the requirement of the 5 post (but it not been applied) and then set the next promotion (and they meet those requirements) to be dependent on being the the 5 post group, it could cause issues. For simplicity, it is easier to say "now, if you also have 10 posts in an approved area, promote to this group in addition to the 5 post group".
Im even more confused now. Not to worry.
It's easy to become that way, as promotions can be complicated.
In this instance... the easiest process is:
I have 5 posts - I move to user group X.
I have 10 posts - I move to user group Y.

There is NO dependency on being a member of usegroupX BEFORE promotion to user group Y.
I thought that is what I was saying in post 3. Seems like the simplest thing to me.
The simplest thing is...
I have 5 posts.... I promote to user group X.
I have 10 posts..... I promote to user group Y.
I have 20 posts...... I promote to user group Z.

Each promotion is NOT dependent upon the preceding promotion having already been awarded. In theory, I could enter 20 posts in one session .

The simplest process is this:

I have x posts.... I promote to X.
I have y posts.... I promote to Y.
I have z posts... I promote to Z.

None are dependent upon the other being already active.
The simplest thing is...
I have 5 posts.... I promote to user group X.
I have 10 posts..... I promote to user group Y.
I have 20 posts...... I promote to user group Z.

Each promotion is NOT dependent upon the preceding promotion having already been awarded. In theory, I could enter 20 posts in one session .

The simplest process is this:

I have x posts.... I promote to X.
I have y posts.... I promote to Y.
I have z posts... I promote to Z.

None are dependent upon the other being already active.
Again, that is what I do and what I thought I was saying above :)
You added a complexity in that really didn't need to be there. ;)
What complexity was that?

Now I am really really confused.

I have two post for first promotion, 5 posts for second. I don't involve any other complexity, purely based on number of posts accumulated. Nothing to do with preceding promotion.
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There are two distinct ways it can be done.

1. Promote to user group x and promote to user group y.
The result is the member is in both user groups.

2. Promote to user group x, then promote to user group y and demote from user group x.
The result is the member is in user group y only.

The second case is achieved by using this criterion:

You set that for user group x, selecting user group y as the group to not be a member of.
What complexity was that?

Now I am really really confused.

I have two post for first promotion, 5 posts for second. I don't involve any other complexity, purely based on number of posts accumulated. Nothing to do with preceding promotion.
If you have a dependency that they must be a member of another group to promote to another group is what I am referencing.
For some reason my Mac is being a bit of a arse and not letting me do a screenshot. But what Brogan references about removing from one and moving to another is what I was understanding you were referencing.
If you have a dependency that they must be a member of another group to promote to another group is what I am referencing.
No, I would never do that. Too complicated for me.
But what Brogan references about removing from one and moving to another is what I was understanding you were referencing.
Again, I wouldn't do or advise that, nor did I say I did. Unless I'm going mad.

Just purely based in numbers of posts is what I do and recommend.
Yep... that's the simplest way... but I have a couple of promotions that I don't want applied to moderators/admins and do have to use the exclusions.
I am trying to have weeks registered and month and years, how would I go about this as each time I get one to work it sticks with the first group when being not a member off

My ~Groups are

1 post
2 post

I want 1 post to be the main group until 2 post is made. Then this sticks until a third group is reached.

And not to have the former group showing.

How can I do this.
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