XF 1.5 How to move all users from Group 1 to Group 2 [SOLVED]


Following a migration, all registered users are in a custom group

and I need to move them to the XF group Registered.

Can you tell me how to do that (step by step because I saw some posts saying use the Batch Update User but I did not understand how).

Thanks in advance
The Batch Update Users function is fairly straightforward.

Search for all users with primary group x.
On the next page set the new primary user group.
Thanks for the response.
Unfortunately it does not work (at least easily).
I tried to get all users in that group ADMINISTRATORS

But it says "No users matched the specified criteria. " while I know there is at least 1 (also in group REGISTERED)
Thanks for the response.
Unfortunately it does not work (at least easily).
I tried to get all users in that group ADMINISTRATORS
View attachment 171444

But it says "No users matched the specified criteria. " while I know there is at least 1 (also in group REGISTERED)
But it looks like you also have “no secondary user groups” selected. Your serach above would only find someone in primary group Administtrators if they weren't also in the secondary group.

NB: of course all members should be in Registered as primary, but presumably this is why you are wanting to move them.
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OK, so as I don't know where in other groups they are, should I select all the secondary? (there is no button saying ANY secondary :-( )
Just select "Member of any of these secondary groups". There's no need to tick any of them (you can leave them all unticked), the search logic searches for any secondary user group unless you select specific ones.
OK GOT IT! ;-)
It is because my primary group is not good I guess.
Therefore I should put Primary=Any and be more specific with secondary maybe...
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