XF 2.0 How to load controller value in all page of forum


Well-known member
well i am trying to load some value from controller but it's not working and show's nothing

My controller

so just wondering how can i get these values global on every page of forum instead of single page with route

i read some where to use templater_macro_pre_render for it but i am not able to get it work


What should i write there >?

help appropriate 😎😃
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after few try i am able to get value in
i saw that with printr($globalVars);
but they are not seeing it working in template :(
<span>{$viewParams.xtoolbar_title}</span> any help ?
I had written a whole essay with all the possible solutions, but based on the code in your last post you should be able to do the following:

--- <unnamed>
+++ <unnamed>
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
-$viewParam = [
-    'toolbar_list' => $viewParams,
-print_r($globalVars);+ $globalVars['toolbar_list'] = $viewParams;
+$globalVars['toolbar_list'] = $viewParams;

It should be callable in the template like {{ $toolbar_list }}
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I had written a whole essay with all the possible solutions, but based on the code in your last post you should be able to do the following:

--- <unnamed>
+++ <unnamed>
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
-$viewParam = [
-    'toolbar_list' => $viewParams,
-print_r($globalVars);+ $globalVars['toolbar_list'] = $viewParams;
+$globalVars['toolbar_list'] = $viewParams;

It should be callable in the template like {{ $toolbar_list }}

Thanks for the reply according to your suggestion i do this
and the code i test with {{ $toolbar_list }} , {$toolbar_list}
The out put i am getting
i am getting qwe instead of asd
and also i am getting the same output about 40 times
about print_r() that was jut for testing. to see the variable.
You effectively destroy the referenced $globalVars that way, replacing any existing values it might have.

That listener is called so many times because you probably haven't added a hint in the listener definition.
Any template macro that is being called to get rendered is running the code in your callback.

If you want to make use of that listener, you should create a template macro and inject it, say via a template modification, to a public template once.

Here's another, easier way to make your example print what you want:
Change your listener to: controller_post_dispatch_listener

Change the callback code to:
public static function controllerPostDispatchListener(\XF\Mvc\Controller $controller, $action, \XF\Mvc\ParameterBag $params, \XF\Mvc\Reply AbstractReply &$reply)
   if (!(\XF::app() instanceof \XF\Pub\App))

   $finder = \XF::finder('xenbros\customtoolbar:CustomTool');
   $toolbarIds = $finder->order('xftoolbar_id', 'DESC')->fetch();

   $reply->setParam('toolbar_list', $toolbarIds); // {{ $toolbar_list }} is now your template var.

BTW, instead of print_r(), you'd better of using this or a proper debugger (such as xdebug).
thanks for the all the detailed code and yup i remember it now about the hint in xfdoc and after that code it's just give ooops :D



Edit : i just check that column id was wrong so no issues :)
yeah but now it's @alexD

An exception occurred: [Error] Call to undefined method XF\Mvc\Reply\Reroute::setParam() in src\addons\xenbros\customtoolbar\Customlistener.php on line 21
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I'm struggling a little to follow as you've brought controllers into it and I don't think that's relevant, but if you want data to always be available to the templates/templater, you can just use the templater_global_data event. It's specifically designed for this.
Also, the 'Oops' style error instead of an exception stack trace usually means you haven't enabled the debug/development mode.

You can still probably see it logged in Admin error log page, but I'd suggest you add any of these lines to your config.php file:
$config['debug'] = true;
$config['development']['enabled'] = true;
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