XF 1.4 How to copy permissions?



Just wondering if there is an easier way to copy permissions for forums so for each forum I make I don't have to keep re-doing permissions for each of the user groups as it's quite annoying.

There is no way of copying permissions.

Are the forums in the same category?
If so, you can set the permissions at the category level and they will apply to all child forums.

If the permissions are the same for all forums, can't you set them at the user group level?
Not all permissions are the same in the category a few require minor changes however is it possible to set for example it on the category then change the 1 forum that needs to have different permissions? For example I have 5 forums in 1 category and I want one of them for users to only be able to see there posts only, so if I change that to only that thread it wont contradict with the category permissions?
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