XF 1.3 How to allow "moderating" to view Moderation Queue?


Well-known member
I have all forum moderators set up as Moderating, and I've checked and re-checked their permissions.

However, none of them report being able to access Moderation Queue in the moderator bar.

Could someone please advise?!
I am reviving this thread since I am having the same issue.

We are on Xenforo 2 and only the approval queue is visible for my moderators and admins. Not the moderation queue (is this the approval queue now) nor the reported posts queue.

Actually the whole moderator panel in the top bar only contains the one options "approval queue".

If we use me as example I am added as super moderator and super admin. I have all permissions granted under moderation including the three mentioned here as giving access to the queues:


The Moderator Bar is visible for all users who are made moderators. However, the Moderation Queue and Reported Items are only accessible with the following moderator permissions enabled:

  • Moderation Queue - View moderated threads / posts and Delete thread by anyone and Edit post by anyone.
  • Reported Items - Delete post by anyone or Edit post by anyone.

My primary user group is registered user and I am added in the admin area as both moderator and admin.
And reported posts?

We cant see any reported posts.
The Reports link in the moderation bar will only appear if there are reported posts, if there aren't any then the link doesn't appear.

As per XF1, you need to be a moderator in ACP > Groups & permissions > Moderators and also have the "Edit any post" or "Delete any post" permissions.

Also if you are using a custom style for your site, if you think you do have reports but still can't see the link, switch to a default unedited style to check it's not a style issue. And finally, double check that you don't have "Send reports into forum" (search the ACP for this) enabled (though if you had, I'd presume you'd see the reports appearing in a specified forum).
Thank you for your suggestions. I am afraid they were to no avail.

I tried reporting a number of posts to test. Nothing turns up, not in forum and not in a toolbar.

We are on XF2 and I have all admin and mod permissions. Including those two in specific.

We do use custom styling but tried xenbase and others and still the same.

The "send reports into forum" has "none" as option so should redirect reports to central location.
Thank you for your suggestions. I am afraid they were to no avail.

I tried reporting a number of posts to test. Nothing turns up, not in forum and not in a toolbar.

We are on XF2 and I have all admin and mod permissions. Including those two in specific.

We do use custom styling but tried xenbase and others and still the same.

The "send reports into forum" has "none" as option so should redirect reports to central location.
What happens if you try to go directly to www.yoursite.com/reports/ ?
Well then I see them all!

Great little workaround for now. But still strange we can not get the bar to appear. Seems they have to check the URL manually to get notices of reports which is kind of counter to the idea.
Well then I see them all!

Great little workaround for now. But still strange we can not get the bar to appear.
You can't get the Moderator bar to appear? I thought it was just the Reports link?

I suggest that you disable all add-ons and switch to a totally unedited default style (the one that came with XenForo, not another one) to see if all works as expected. If it does, then enable things one-by-one to find the problem add-on or style.

If it doesn't and you are sure that you have the all permissions set correctly AND you are a moderator in the ACP, then you'll need to submit a ticket for support.
This forum is 17 years old and we took over as owners in February. Not sure if we even have the default style if its not xen base. Will try disabling all addons on our dev site.

Yes we do see the moderator tab, it just only contains the approval queue which is also visible right next to the moderator tab.
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