XF 1.2 How to add "go to thread" button in moderation queue list ?


Active member
Hello everybody

In the moderation queue page, all moderated threads show with these infos

Thread name ( as text, no link)
Thread start time
Thread starter
Post (as text)

And action buttons below ( delete, approve .. )

But, i need the "go to thread / go to post" button in this page which all waiting moderate.

Is possible to add go to thread (if it is thread) and go to post (if it is post) buttons or Links in this page. Because i cant direct to thread or thread category without approve them. I want to see thread or forum of thread before approve or delete.

Thank you
I use this short template modification:

In the template moderation_queue_list add the red lines:

Rich (BB code):
                <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                    <dt><label for="ctrl_{$entry.content_type}_{$entry.content_id}_title">{$entry.content.contentTypeTitle}:</label></dt>
                        <xen:if is="{$entry.content.titleEdit}">
                            <input type="text" name="queue[{$entry.content_type}][{$entry.content_id}][title]" value="{$entry.content.title}" class="textCtrl"
                        <xen:else />
                            <a href="{$entry.content.link}">{xen:escape $entry.content.title, false}</a>
                <xen:if is="{$entry.content.titleEdit}">
                    <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                        <dt><label for="ctrl_{$entry.content_type}_{$entry.content_id}_title">{$entry.content.contentTypeTitle}:</label></dt>
                        <dd><a href="{$entry.content.link}">{xen:escape $entry.content.title, false}</a></dd>
                <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                    <dt>{xen:phrase posted}:</dt>
                    <dd><xen:datetime time="$entry.content_date" /></dd>
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