How long will Xenforo 1.x be supported after Xenforo 2.x comes out?

I was hoping to upgrade quite soon, but am just discovering various issues about xf2 (beyond addons) that I think could be problematical for my existing users. If these can be easily fixed with modifications no problem, otherwise in spite of my initial excitement I'll be sticking with xf1 for some time rather than invoke user unrest.
Is this stuff you've posted at the demo, already, or new stuff?

I hope it goes without saying, we can only "fix" these things or advise on potential solutions if you let us know what they are. Obviously if we have already discussed these issues at the demo or elsewhere, then that feedback is noted and will be considered in the future, but I'm just concerned you're sitting on stuff which we haven't been told about :)
Is this stuff you've posted at the demo, already, or new stuff?

I hope it goes without saying, we can only "fix" these things or advise on potential solutions if you let us know what they are. Obviously if we have already discussed these issues at the demo or elsewhere, then that feedback is noted and will be considered in the future, but I'm just concerned you're sitting on stuff which we haven't been told about :)

Yes we discussed it at xf2,:

The dropdown no longer hover on desktop

This is something that will be missed, and I can't see how it's an improvement, or be able to justify it to my members as an improvement.
People are more vocal when they are displeased with something.

The best indicator is growth. If facebook is making changes and membership and engagement continues to grow they're obviously doing something right.

The same logic can be applied when Xen 2.x is released.
Facebook was probably a bad example half the world is ditching them and the other half of the world is just being introduced to them. Hard to gauge what's really going on when it comes to their stats, not to mention they can throw as much money as they want at a problem if and when any ever come up. I was in no way trying to infer that upgrading instantly is imperative I just think that most peoples upgrade concerns are overrated it's been my experience that most forum members could really care less about bells and whistle's as long as it runs smoothly and isn't too slow or cumbersome.
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