Hello Gentleman
I could make use of an update on the information provided here.
The query in the link doesn't work anymore.
How would the correct query for an ip lookup look like?
e.g. if I simply reverse the currently needed command to display ip addresses <INET_NTOA(CONV(HEX(ip.ip), 16, 10))>the command still fails.
The ofc is just a placeholder for an actual ip address.
I could make use of an update on the information provided here.
The query in the link doesn't work anymore.
How would the correct query for an ip lookup look like?
e.g. if I simply reverse the currently needed command to display ip addresses <INET_NTOA(CONV(HEX(ip.ip), 16, 10))>the command still fails.
SELECT u.username, INET_NTOA(CONV(HEX(ip.ip), 16, 10)) AS IP
FROM xf_ip AS ip
LEFT JOIN xf_user AS u ON (u.user_id = ip.user_id)
WHERE ip.ip = HEX(CONV(INET_ATON(''), 10, 16))
GROUP BY u.user_id
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