RM 2.0 How do I plan RM and XFMG upgrade to XF 2.0


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I have a forum that is on XF 1.5 and also has RM and XFMG. How do I upgrade those core addons ? Is the below method correct

1. Export forum database.
2. Disable XFMG and RM.
2. Upgrade to XF 2.0
3. Overwrite new RM and XFMG files
4. Enable RM and XFMG (?)
5. Upgrade RM and XFMG (?)

Will this yield the right outcome?
- Disable all Add-on and upload source code XF2 to upgrade
- Copy and replace with old folder (data, attachment,...)
After disabling RM and XFMG addons and overwriting XF files with new XF 2.0 files - do I also overwrite new 2.0 files for RM and XFMG at that stage (before hitting the upgrade button)?
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