XF 1.3 how can i run this querys


Active member
how can i run this querys

UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=darkslategray]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=deepskyblue]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=darkorange]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=red]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=Red]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=Navy]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=blue]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=#0000ff]', '' ) ;
UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace( message, '[COLOR=orange]', '' ) ;

i runt it in my db but no changes

i install this add on

but i dont know what i write in regular expression
for example first fied i write [COLOR = darkslategray ]
second i dont know
the third is empty that i wish
The queries you posted above should work.

I assume you may have this option enabled:
(In Admin CP > Options > Performance)

Turn that option off and the queries you ran should take effect.

You will want to deal with the [/COLOR] tags too, or you'll be left with something like this:

Also bear in mind it is case sensitive so you may also need to deal with [color] and [/color] as well as hex colours [COLOR='#0000ff']
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