Can I run XF 1.5 on this hosting?


Active member
Can I run XF 1.5 on the following Linux VPS hosting without any issues? Database size a bit big (1.6GB SQL according to latest backup) and roughly 300 visits per day.

Option 1 (most preferable):
1 CPU Core
1 GB Ram
30 GB diskspace
1TB / 1 Gbps port

Option 2 (preferable):
1 CPU Core
2 GB Ram
50 GB diskspace
2TB / 1 Gbps port

Option 3 (acceptable):
2 CPU Core
4 GB Ram
75 GB diskspace
2TB / 1 Gbps port

At the moment, the site is being hosted on a friend's dedicated server and I need to move it to my own hosting now.
I am not an expert but unless you run Elastic Search or other scripts/stuff on your server, the first option should easily suffice without problems.

But I would at least go with 2GB. I think CentOS 7 requires 1GB at least, so a little bit buffer would be good.
These days for ~5$/m you should easily find an unmanaged VPS hosting which offers 2GB memory.

What is your location? Here on XF there are hosting companies that offer service for XF owners, too.
If you want to check them out.
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