XF 2.1 Highest reaction score not showing in members page


Well-known member
I installed XF 2.1 Beta 6 and created a few accounts. I liked several posts, but no matter what I try, I can't get the Highest reaction score block to show in the members page:

Do you have it disabled? You would find it under Admin CP > Users > Member statistics.

Also caching might be involved so you may have to wait up to 60 minutes before the details are updated.
Member statistics -> Highest reaction score is enabled:


Also caching might be involved so you may have to wait up to 60 minutes before the details are updated.

I assume this would be the case, but I ran all the cron entries, what am I missing? It did show after some time (perhaps one hour).
It would likely be the "Rebuild member stats cache" cron entry, but it may not actually rebuild the cache until the individual member stat cache has expired.
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