XF 2.1 Help needed changing a link color


Well-known member
I want to change all of the reaction text colors to white, you know this code:
.reaction--2 .reaction-text {
    color: #E81C27;

But only in the overlay and anywhere it appears like that with the header.

When I change it in extra.less it also changes the link in the post! I don't want to change the actual buttons in content.

(Like, Love, etc... not the ALL link, I need to make all white.) Thanks!
Here's a quick attempt from an XF rookie...

.overlay-container .block-minorTabHeader .reaction-text { color: #fff; }
.overlay-container .block-minorTabHeader .tabs-tab.is-active { color: purple; }

First line should change the reaction text in the overlay tab links only. The second line is for the active color, which is what the "All" link uses in your screenshot.
@Pandemix would you be able to help me change the active color of the "Like" (.reaction--1 .reaction-text) only? I deleted your second line of code and I like all the active colors except my Like bg is the same as my active color so I need to change that, thanks!

To clarify I just want to change the tab bar/underline color that appears under Like.
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