I want to create a page in XenForo, but I’m having trouble with the default URL structure. By default, the pages are created as domain.com/pages/page-name. Instead, I want to have a direct URL like domain.com/page-name.
Important note: I’m not looking for a solution outside XenForo. The structure must remain entirely within XenForo and integrated into its system. Route Filters: Configured as pages/page-name -> page-name, but this didn’t work.
Is it possible to solve this entirely within XenForo? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I want to create a page in XenForo, but I’m having trouble with the default URL structure. By default, the pages are created as domain.com/pages/page-name. Instead, I want to have a direct URL like domain.com/page-name.
Important note: I’m not looking for a solution outside XenForo. The structure must remain entirely within XenForo and integrated into its system. Route Filters: Configured as pages/page-name -> page-name, but this didn’t work.
Is it possible to solve this entirely within XenForo? Any help would be greatly appreciated.