Lack of interest Granular Link Proxy Options

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Well-known member
It looks like data can be leaked when following links from threads in hidden forums or conversations are followed, as the referring URL is logged at the landing site. This means that the private thread/conversation title is leaked, which can contain sensitive information. I stumbled across this today when checking our own logs, as a competing forum has some very interesting thread titles in their private forums that link to us.

Enabling the link proxy would prevent this data link from happening, but I would only want to enable this on a per-forum basis (and for conversations), so that URLs are masked. It doesn't seem fair to mask URLs posted on the public side of the forum though, as this would penalise legitimate organic link building and cause problems if every link on the net did this.

My suggestion would be that the link proxy can be enabled on a per-node basis, as well as an option to enable it separately for conversations.
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