XF 2.1 Google Core Web Vitals: CLS Issue

FWIW, I wouldn't say that 2.2 fully addresses CLS issues, but we have attempted to resolve them where viable. It's not really possible for us to prevent it with embedded content (images or other external content) that doesn't have known dimensions beforehand.
Is there anything new since the last messages? This interests me a lot!
Proper optimization can give you good results :)

Custom widgets as index route; data for those widgets pulled off WordPress

Standard/3rd party widgets as index route

Standard XF forum list as index route

Custom widgets as index route; data for those widgets pulled off article forums)
Proper optimization can give you good results :)

Custom widgets as index route; data for those widgets pulled off WordPress

Standard/3rd party widgets as index route

Standard XF forum list as index route

Custom widgets as index route; data for those widgets pulled off article forums)

Dear Kirby, I'm getting a lot of punches from Google because my XF site is giving me a very poor result in Core Web Vitals (just 15 points).

Many of then, are about not optimized images. Do you have any tips for that?

And, what do you mean with "as index route", how i implement this solution for all the list that you showed? Any tutorials around?

Thanks man.
The current release of 2.2 should have addressed this.

Naturally there aren't going to be any updates for 1.5, or even 2.1.

You will have to upgrade to 2.2 or modify your set up yourself.
Many of then, are about not optimized images. Do you have any tips for that?
Well, the obvious tip would be: Optimize the images ;)

There used to be an Add-on from ThemeHouse, but I think it has been removed.
Another option would be https://xenforo.com/community/resources/tl-image-optimizer-for-xf-2-x.6030/

And, what do you mean with "as index route"
Index Route is a XenForo setting that lets you define which content/page you want to show as ... index, hence the name index route.

how i implement this solution for all the list that you showed?
Follow best best practices and the recommendations given by tools like Pagespeed Insights, Web PageTest, etc.

Any tutorials around?
Plenty. Google for keywords like "Web Performance", "Web Vitals", etc.

You might also want ot try https://xenforo.com/community/resources/font-awesome-manager.8407/ which usually dose improve the scores a bit, but do not expect miracles - everything needs to be properly optimized, not just fonts.

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