XF 1.2 Google Chrome Text Display Issues


Well-known member
Hey all,

While this is not a XenForo issue on it's own i am guessing someone / others have come across this before and hopefully have a fix for this.

The some of text in my XF Style i am working on for my project is rendering a little well jaggered looking is the best way to describe it.. This is only happening in Google Chrome:


As you can see Moderator area / Logo and a few other text area's are rendering funny, Ive seen this with other platforms and can usually fix it by adding a simple text-shadow using a similar rgbA color as the background it's on.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Regards, Darren
You're using Webfonts, correct?

For some reason, google can't figure out how to nicely render Webfonts on its browser. The exact effect of it varies implementation to implementation but as far as I know there's no good solution until Google provides one. You could use a text shadow or perhaps try some anti-aliasing code (though I've never had much luck with them).
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