GoodForNothing Image Optimizer [Paid] [Deleted]

I think I ened some help, I have had my host install the jpgoptimiser for me, I have configured the path to exe and when I run it, I get this error :

Fatal error: Class 'NFLJ_Showcase_Helper_Image' not found in /home/fiftyccc/public_html/library/GFNKraken/StorageHandler/Attachment/NFLJShowcase.php on line 58

Any ideas ?

Would be nice to have a usergroup permission 'Post Full Size Image' and a checkbox on post where I could select if I wanted to post the original or a compressed file of the uploaded image.

This only came up when someone sent me some updated site logos as attachments. Of course they were lossy compressed to max=65 although I would have preferred them as originals. Workaround was email but I can see some times when I want a few people to be able to skip compression.
Is there a way this addon can be used to rebuild attachments if I input maximum width and height dimensions? I input them for the first time and wonder if it would make a difference if I attempted to rebuild attachments.
We installed GFN Kraken and ran a local jpegoptim batch process on ~44,750 images (jpeg) for a reduction of 5.6GB
I'm not really understanding this addon. Why do you need to use GFN Kraken if you already have jpegoptim installed on your server and running it locally?

Couldn't you just run jpegoptim on your public_html (or whatever) root folder and have it work to compress all images?
The addon processes each new jpg in realtime. It also keeps track of which images it has optimized so you don't mistakenly double optimize an image.

The initial batch run didn't need an addon but I'm glad I used it for the above reasons
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Apologies for missing the posts... :(

Would be nice to have a usergroup permission 'Post Full Size Image' and a checkbox on post where I could select if I wanted to post the original or a compressed file of the uploaded image.
Will be taken into consideration for the next major release :)

My issues are now fixed, I updated Showcase and the errors have gone away
Hmm... the version you were using was missing some files that exist in 2.5 which I used.

Is there a way this addon can be used to rebuild attachments if I input maximum width and height dimensions? I input them for the first time and wonder if it would make a difference if I attempted to rebuild attachments.
There's an ugly hack but you would like to wait till I add support for resizing the already optimized images...

I'm not really understanding this addon. Why do you need to use GFN Kraken if you already have jpegoptim installed on your server and running it locally?

Couldn't you just run jpegoptim on your public_html (or whatever) root folder and have it work to compress all images?
If you do that all the images will be shown as corrupt by the browser as XenForo saves some meta data in the database which jpegoptim does not have any hands and this add-on just creates a "bridge" between the third-party tools/services with easy-to-use admin options...
My sites are photography forums where members are very sensitive to any visible degradation in their uploaded image quality. I've been using jpegoptim with quality se to 90%. Do you think I could go down to 80% without problem?
My sites are photography forums where members are very sensitive to any visible degradation in their uploaded image quality. I've been using jpegoptim with quality se to 90%. Do you think I could go down to 80% without problem?
Maybe you can do something what @melbo did when he first set up the add-on?
This compressed threads and XF media gallery images at max=65 which was a happy compromise between quality and size. Before batch processing, we ran tests of an original 8.5MB image and then cut it by 95, 85, 75, etc down to 35 and had our premium members vote on which was the lowest we could go before they saw noticeable degradation. Very happy! Now for local .png support...
That's a great idea. If I take all the attachments which were processed with jpegoptim quality 90 and reprocess them at quality 80, will that result in less than 80 quality because I'm starting with 90?
I did test it out a little and found that reprocessing 90 to 80 and 100 (original) to 80 yields in the same file size.

EDIT: Which more or less means the same quality...
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I did test it out a little and found that reprocessing 90 to 80 and 100 (original) to 80 yields in the same file size.

That's good to know. My site automatically resizes attachments more than 1600px, and I noticed that using this addon with jpegoptim 90 has only a tiny effect on files which are getting resized on upload whereas it can have a major effect on files which aren't being resized on upload.
@Mr. Goodie2Shoes

I just did some testing and got some interesting results. Would suggest opening these images in different tabs and switching between tabs to compare them.

First test:

Original file (17.8MB, 5602x3742px):

1) GFN Kraken addon disabled, image resized by Xenforo/GD (429kb):

2) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 90 (477kb):

3) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 80 (389kb):

4) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 90, reprocessed at max 80 (375kb):

5) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 70 (314kb):

6) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 60 (222kb):

-Interesting that the addon actually makes the image file size larger when dealing with a resized image and jpegoptim max 90% (1 vs 2)

-jpegoptim max 80 vs max 90 reprocessed to 80 yields a slightly different file size but visually similar result (3 vs 4)

-Addon disabled and jpegoptim 90 (1 and 2) look similar to my eye, whereas jpegoptim 80 (3) looks noticeably degraded.

Second test:

Original file (1.98MB, 1600x1069px):

1) GFN Kraken addon disabled, image not resized by Xenforo/GD (1.98MB):

2) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 90 (641kb):

-This time there is a substantial difference in both file size and appearance between addon disabled and enabled with jpegoptim max 90 (1 vs 2).

Based on these results, it would be nice to have an option for having the addon process only those files which are not getting resized during the upload process.
First test:

Original file (17.8MB, 5602x3742px):

1) GFN Kraken addon disabled, image resized by Xenforo/GD (429kb):

2) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 90 (477kb):

3) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 80 (389kb):

I re-did this test after switching GD to Imagemagick:

Original file (17.8MB, 5602x3742px):

1) GFN Kraken addon disabled, image resized by Xenforo/Imagick (490kb):

2) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 90 (449kb):

3) GFN Kraken addon enabled, jpegoptim max 80 (361kb):

Overall I prefer the results from GD to those from Imagemagick.
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@Amin Sabet thank you for the results. I am not too sure about how jpegoptim handles the images so can't provide any insights to these results unfortunately.
I'll have to look into XenForo's resizing mechanism and get back to you... :)
@Mr. Goodie2Shoes - The addon seems to be stripping metadata including copyright info, etc. Since I am using jpegoptim only, it must be doing "jpegoptim strip-all". My members don't want this copyright info removed from their photos. Where can I modify the addon to remove "strip-all" from the jpegoptim function?
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