GoodForNothing Image Optimizer [Paid] [Deleted]

Switched hosts, got these errors on most (possibly all) pics uploaded today. What should I do?
This error is because of the executable not available on your new server. Contact your host to manually build jpegoptim or if your on a VPS with root access you can build it yourself.
Also run from SSH
which jpegoptim
to see if one already exists: if it exists the path will be returned and just copy paste it to the system option. :)
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing Kraken with a new update entry:

Added Support for User Avatars and a couple of bug fixes.

This version includes support for compressing User Avatars.
View attachment 105682

I've also added a new admin option to control if user avatar will be compressed or not, and is enabled by default.
View attachment 105683

This version also includes a couple of bug fixes:
  • Error related to compressor not available being logged in server error message.
  • The tablet buttons in the process log page was not working properly.
Enjoy! :)

P.S. If you haven't received...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Mr. Goodie2Shoes Have a good link that shows you how to build that on a vps?
Download a copy of jpegoptim from the github repo . You'll have to make sure you've installed the development tools and the libjpeg dependency.
For Ubuntu/Debian:
apt-get install build-essentials libjpeg8-dev

For CentOS (not sure, correct me if I am wrong):
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install libjpeg-turbo-devel

now go to your recently downloaded jpegoptim source directory and run:

If everything checks out correctly, run:
make install

Then run:
which jpegoptim
to check if it was installed correctly and the path of the executable :)
Man....I need to take a class on sthis or something. For as long as I've done websites, this is the first time I've seen the inside of a whm screen and am literally lost! LOL
Man....I need to take a class on sthis or something. For as long as I've done websites, this is the first time I've seen the inside of a whm screen and am literally lost! LOL

Those directions were for SSH not WHM, you wouldn't install this vis WHM/cPanel :)
Can this add-on also convert images? Like from jpg to png? Some kind of a bulk method for converting.
Do you still have plans on adding support for local PNG compression? That would be awesome.

Until then, how slow is Kraken? I have about 1,5GB of images that I need to compress, both JPG and PNG, so in order to compress the PNG:s I would need to enable Kraken...but would that be wise to do? Would it take a whole week? Should I just settle for the JPEG:s?

How is the performance for general usage with enabled? I have a limit of ~1MB and 1920x1920px in Xenforo - would our members notice a large delay when uploading images with those restrictions in place?
Do you still have plans on adding support for local PNG compression? That would be awesome.
I do have plans to add support for PNG but the compression app proved troublesome so currently put on hold till I finish my classifieds app since it's going to take some time to figure out...

Until then, how slow is Kraken?'s servers are fast and the time it will take to compress depends on the number of images since there's a delay in the HTTP response and request between two images and for 1.5GB of data it will be less than an hour or half an hour at max according to my tests. But this really depends on the latency between your server and Kraken's. But not a whole week lol :p

How is the performance for general usage with enabled? I have a limit of ~1MB and 1920x1920px in Xenforo - would our members notice a large delay when uploading images with those restrictions in place?
Again, the delay will be quite low (EDIT: in milliseconds) for 1MB images... and there's also the "deferred task" functionality, which if enabled will compress the images by a separate process so the user wont see any kind of delay from the add-on. :)
Took me about ~3 hours with lossy compression enabled with
"Overall, you have optimized 1.83 GB of images (16.11 thousand files) saving 609.57 MB (33%) total file size."
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