Good Day Sunshine....

As it happens my prediction of a lovely day was completely wrong.. hahahaha it has been raining, and is somewhat cold and grey here now :p
Beautiful, crisp Fall morning here today. A few shots looking towards the sunrise over The Great Smoky Mountains range this morning :)


Beautiful sunrise and gorgeous flowers, Kim.

It's an absolutely PERFECT day here. Mid 60's during the day today, sunshine and a cool breeze. And the leaves are getting ready to hit their peak.
Same here Liz, it is gorgeous this morning. Rained overnight, but it's nice and cool, sun is shining, and the trees are brilliant golds, oranges and reds. I'll try to get some pics this week and post them.
And it's raining, strong winds, and overcast ... guess the lawns are going to have to wait till tomorrow or the next day ...
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