XF 1.2 gifs not animated when viewing my website...

Sean B.

Active member
so I have have a gif as my avatar on my site but its not animated like its supposed to be, I'm able to get it to animate on other XF sites except mine, it only seems to be gifs as other images on my site are just fine.

my site link is...www.kh-flare.net

if you take a look at my profile which you can view through this link you'll notice my avatar looks like a normal image, but its not its a animated gif made from a video, I dunno wut is causing that to occur but can someone help me and tell me how to fix this issue with my avatar?

also it seems to only be an issue in certain areas of the forum, but on my profile for whatever reason it's working like it should, but I want it to work in all areas of the forum, so any help would be very appreciated.

thank you.
Sean forgot to mention that it's on Google Chrome, which I can confirm myself. It's not an issue on Mozilla Firefox.
The issue you're talking about can be seen in Chrome and Firefox. Are you saying that the avatar is animated everywhere on Firefox? Because I can't confirm that.

Anyway, the cause for this is most likely your choice of image processor.

In Admin CP > Options > Attachment Options you should enable "ImageMagick" as the image processor. This may not be installed on your server. If it isn't, you will need to do so or ask your host to.

If it is enabled already, and still the avatars are not animated, then I have seen this issue before. And all it boiled down to was a bug version of Image Magick. Either upgrading or downgrading ImageMagick actually resolved the issue.

By default XenForo uses GD as its image processor. This is quite basic and it doesn't support things like processing animated images.
The issue you're talking about can be seen in Chrome and Firefox. Are you saying that the avatar is animated everywhere on Firefox? Because I can't confirm that.

Hm. That's odd.

On Mozilla Firefox, I can see the issue on the default style, but not on our custom style. Maybe it's because our message avatars are bigger?
Then original L size image will be animated because it hasn't been resized. Any versions of the avatar that have been resized will lose their animation unless you use ImageMagick (once enabled by the way the avatar will need to be uploaded again before it will appear animated at all sizes).

So yeah possibly if you have modified a style to only show L avatars then they may appear animated.

Ultimately best solution is to use Imagick.
It will only let you select it if it detects it is installed.

I had this problem and ImageMagick fixed it but when WHM updated to 11.4 I had to reinstall ImageMagick. and TBH i still haven't got it tuned right any gif over 2 M is iffy whether it will convert or become a jpg
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