XF 1.1 Animated Gifs problem


Active member
So, I was having problem displaying animated gifs within threads. However, did some searching around and I found that I need to install the ImageMagik module along with the PECL extension. I installed them just fine, enabled the option from ACP..all good so far.

Now, here comes the problem. While I can upload the animated gifs for any user, when they are displayed, not only they are static, but it seems like the gif itself is displayed on a transparent background.

Here is the screenshot:


And the original avatar that needs to be displayed (evidently, the atoms spin around etc):


Long story short, I'm clueless what's the reason behind this.

Oh and here's my phpinfo for imagik

a bit of an update...the animated gif in the above example is 100x90 and i deducted that it got this ugly error when doing the resize. i tried uploading a square gif (100x100) and this time, it was uploaded correctly..however, it's still not animated.
so..i'm guessing there's no support for this issue? I'm asking since I did exactly as advised by the platform itself and its developers but I still can't figure out why this doesn't work.
XF has always had a buggy Imagick implementation but nobody has ever been able to figure it out. I just went back to GD and said we don't support animated avatars.

The next XF version fixes a bug with Imagick gif resizing so hopefully that was the problem all along.
Uploaded animated gifs flicker
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