XF 2.2 Ghost downloads


Active member

So I'm getting tons of "ghost downloads" on my Resources. What I mean is that all my resources show "downloaded x times" yet I know this is not true. There's not enough visitors to my site for that to be a real number. Some resources shown as being downloaded hundreds of times with almost no visitors according to stats.

Can bots trigger download count if they visit the download link?

My solution now is to not allow guests to download just to stop fake counters but that is not what I want. Any ideas?
Hi there,
There's not enough visitors to my site for that to be a real number.
.... so your server access logs obviously should be small enough to do a fast cross check which agents/clients did that downloads in reality without entering the resources' pages first?
(Option 1: search engine activity, option 2: deep links from search results, option 3: deep links from another page, and so on...)

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