RM 2.2 Captcha Requirement for Downloads

Hi all, attempting to curb bot downloads by adding in a Captcha requirement in order to download a resource while a guest/unregistered.

I've successfully modified the resource sidebar to have the download button moved there. Now I'm trying to have it so that a captcha requirement needs to be completed before the download becomes available. I've been trying to incorporate a version of this line from the register_form template:

<xf:captcharow label="{{ phrase('verification') }}" hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" context="xf_register" />

into this modified portion of my xrfm_resource_view template:

                        <xf:if is="$resource.isDownloadable()">
                            <div class="resourceSidebarGroup resourceSidebarGroup--buttons">
                                <xf:if is="$resource.canDownload()">
                                    <xf:if is="$resource.isExternalDownload()">
                                        <xf:button href="{{ link('resources/download', $resource) }}" target="_blank"
                                            title="{{ $resource.CurrentVersion.getExternalDownloadDomain() }}"
                                            icon="redirect">{{ phrase('xfrm_go_to_download') }}</xf:button>
                                    <xf:else />
                                        <xf:button href="{{ link('resources/download', $resource) }}" target="_blank"
                                            data-xf-click="{{ $resource.CurrentVersion.file_count > 1 ? 'overlay' : '' }}"
                                            icon="download">{{ phrase('download') }}</xf:button>
                                <xf:else />
                                    <span class="button button--wrap is-disabled">{{ phrase('xfrm_no_permission_to_download') }}</span>
                        <xf:elseif is="$resource.isExternalPurchasable()" />
                            <div class="p-title-pageAction">
                                <xf:if is="$resource.canDownload()">
                                    <xf:button href="{$resource.external_purchase_url}" class="button--cta" icon="purchase" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
                                        {{ phrase('xfrm_buy_for_x', {'price': $resource.price|currency($resource.currency)}) }}
                                <xf:else />
                                    <span class="button button--wrap is-disabled">{{ phrase('xfrm_no_permission_to_buy_price_x', {'price': $resource.price|currency($resource.currency)}) }}</span>

and I'm not having much luck. Here's a non-functional example of what I was able to scrap together:


Perhaps this requires more than just a few changes to the xfrm_resource_view template? Not sure how big of an ask this is. I'm not too well versed and often get things working via trial and error. Happy with any help I can get, even if it's just pushing me in the right direction.
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