Fusion Gamer - PixelExit.com [Deleted]

So... in updating this style... a few things:

  • I'm removing the child styles, it will be controlled via a style property to change the color
    • ***If you use one now you shouldn't have to do anything really to upgrade***
  • In updating this... I realize how much better of a job I could of done, so the next larger update(after this one coming for 1.2), Fusion Gamer will be based off the XenBase framework that powers our other styles. In doing so I'll be able to recode this style quicker, and it will look a heck of a lot better(I've missed a lot of tiny details)
  • With that said... 1.2 update is almost here :)
Russ updated Fusion Gamer - pixelExit.com with a new update entry:

1.2 Beta 5 Compatibility

View attachment 51024

  • Fixed a lot of minor CSS bugs
  • Improved interface lots of dark on dark colors fixed
  • Added 1.2 compatibility
  • Removed child styles(color now controlled via properties)

If upgrading please make a backup of existing Fusion Gamer styles

***NOTE*** This is considered a beta release of a style along with the beta version of XF. This will work on 1.2+, however it's very likely bugs will be found so be cautious :).

Read the rest of this update entry...
Where can I fix the Staff Member at? So it can look legible?
View attachment 51391
How to fix the white around the badge too? It looks like a image that had a white themed matting.

Guys probably better off overwriting the default background for the banners as it is using a white gradient which looks pretty bad on dark styles.

If you want a look something like this use the below code, you may need to mess with it a bit. Add it to EXTRA.css


.userBanner.wrapped span, .userBanner.bannerStaff.wrapped span
    top: 0 !important;
    width: 0 !important;
    height: 0 !important;
    background: none !important;

.messageUserBlock .userBanner /* User banner styling in userBlock */
    margin-top: 3px;
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 0;
    border-radius: 3px;
    padding: 3px;
.userBanner.bannerStaff /* Styling for default staff banner */
    background: #AF0202 !important;
    border: none !important;
    color: @primaryLightest !important;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #000;
    box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #DD0A0A;
Guys probably better off overwriting the default background for the banners as it is using a white gradient which looks pretty bad on dark styles.

If you want a look something like this use the below code, you may need to mess with it a bit. Add it to EXTRA.css

View attachment 51404

wow, that works perfect.. Thank you... Love Xenforo and all the help members give...
Nice! :D would you prefer purchase here or on your own forums?

:) Purchase link here actually links to our forums, majority of the support goes on over there, also we have private ticket support there in case you prefer support in private.
:) Purchase link here actually links to our forums, majority of the support goes on over there, also we have private ticket support there in case you prefer support in private.
Ill be buying as soon as the release comes - so ping me or update the thread! :D
Russ updated Fusion Gamer - pixelExit.com with a new update entry:

1.2 Compatibility with some Cosmetic Fixes


- Fixed color palette issue
- Added ability to enable alert bubbles in the Fusion Gamer Panel
- Added some custom classes for prefixes/staff
- Fixed the Fusion Gamer Panel Dropdown for the user name
- Fixed node height causing the gradient to break of there were sub-cats
- Adjusted images/nodebg2.png

Existing customers can find the download in their "Download Area" on pixelexit.com.

Thank you to all those who have purchased, we appreciate it.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Also in regards to the prefixes/user titles I've included some default looks for some custom looks on the prefixes/user titles.

I've updated the Fusion Gamer FAQ post which all current clients can see, but this is a preview.

Hey. I am having this issue with the text editor on the forums for my style.


Any idea on how to fix this issue?


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