[FS] Events [Paid] [Deleted]

Steve F thanks for taking time to actually provide a concrete CSS example. That is exactly what helps me.

If I may ask, would anyone suggest how to "wrap" text within each box? So all content fits within the box? For example "Daylight Saving Time ends" to be shown completely:


Anyone here customize the "Featured Events" section? Right now is pretty bland, I'd like to learn how to change background, content, etc. Concrete CSS example would be helpful.

I did take my questions to your support forum but my questions were mostly ignored (exception being Axel B who has been very kind and helpful via private message).
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Is there a way to add the previous/current/upcoming months in a sidebar? (see image) If not would you consider adding this as an option?

It currently isn't an option. Please post all suggestions on my site for easier tracking. :)
I have no idea what that is, so not sure. If it is a style, there should be no reason it won't.
Hello ! I've bought this addon and installed it.
I have setted all permissions to true for me, and i'm not able to create a new event. I don't see the button ?

Thanks for your help



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Have you run the permissions analyzer to determine if you actually have hte permissions to create? Can you verify in a default style?
Yes I have all permissions.

Edit : Ok I solved the issue...
But how can I moove the button in another place please ?

xen:topctrl hook is a bad place for me :/

Edit 3 : I solved the problem by removing
<xen:topctrl> </xen:topctrl>

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@Jeremy Is there a way to translate sentences quickly please ?

Edit 1 : When i translate "Today" to "Aujourd'hui" (in french) calendar doesn't work
I think you missed to escape quotes in your file/jacascript :)

Can you tell me how to invite user please ? I don't find the option
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The translation capabilities in the next version are more robust; please report the bug on my site for tracking.

If you have permissions to invite members to the event, it's in the top control of the event view page (along with the RSVP).
The translation capabilities in the next version are more robust; please report the bug on my site for tracking.
OK I'll do that

If you have permissions to invite members to the event, it's in the top control of the event view page (along with the RSVP).
Can you send me a screenshot please? Because with the default template too I don't see this feature... And I have all permissions again.

It's the same place you found the create button. (I don't have a screenshot that you will find useful right now)
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Ok I found why I didn't have this feature when I saw this line :
if (time() >= $event['start']) {
            return false;         

Thanks anyway
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