XF 2.2 Fresh Install - An exception occurred: [mysqli_sql_exception] Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)


Hey, quite a nooby question... I've setup XenForo on remote hosts before but for some reason when trying to set up a fresh install on localhost using XAMPP I receive this error:

An exception occurred: [mysqli_sql_exception] Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) in src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter.php on line 161

I haven't done anything besides copy the upload folder to my web path and navigate to localhost/forums where I'm redirected localhost/forums/install and receive this error.

Am I supposed to manually change config.php.default to config.php?
What am I doing wrong?

Files uploaded: xenforo_2.2.1_full.zip
did you rename your config.php.default file to config.php ? if not give it a try if you did and tried it and didn't work try to revert it back to config.php.default and try again.

Tried both. No luck.
Not sure why the install page is trying to access db before any kind of form is submit.
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