Forum Statistics Not Updating


Active member
I noticed today that my boards forum statistics aren't updating on the home page. I updated them yesterday by running the cron manually though it's not updating by itself.

I'm not sure why this is the case as it has the same default settings as my other board and that updates instantly.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

The cron system is driven by page loads. If no one visits your forum for a while then those tasks won't run.

And make sure this code exists in the PAGE_CONTAINER template:

<xen:if is="{$cronLink}"><img src="{$cronLink}" width="1" height="1" alt="" style="display: none" /></xen:if>
Thanks for replying Jake. :)

Yeah, that code is at the bottom of the pate_container template (I'm using the default theme).

I had 5 or so new members and the stats never updated. One of the new members had posted too. Forum stats on the home page and member stats in the admin user area shows less members that the list all users list (and I have no members currently awaiting approval).
Note that the member count and latest username excludes invalid and banned users. An invalid user can be one that is awaiting moderation or one that hasn't confirmed their email address.
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