XF 2.1 Forum IDs are high


Well-known member
I first noticed this with the "Imported content" node which was well over 700, but I thought XF placed that in to avoid conflicting with existing forum IDs being imported from vBulletin.

I just tried to create a new node for the first time on XF, and it's mid 700s. While all the normal forum IDs are way below 3 digits. Is there a way to reset the number it's generating new node IDs from? It shouldn't even be close to 100.
But anything new created on XF are over 700.
That means the highest node ID is at least 700 - either an imported one, or a created one.

It is possible to change the value in the database so it starts indexing from a lower value, but not something we would condone or be able to support.
So all the vBulletin forum IDs were retained, and during the migration it generated a node called "Imported content". It was the very first node with an ID number over 700, is this a natural behavior for XF?

I did assume it did that to avoid FID conflict with existing FIDs, but I didn't think it would force new FIDs to generate numbers after it.
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If you don't need the forums in the 700 range and the rest are all way lower you could delete those and reset the autoincrement number via query. You could move the threads out to another forum using a prefix, delete the nodes, run the query, recreate the nodes, and move them back using that prefix and batch update.
If you don't need the forums in the 700 range and the rest are all way lower you could delete those and reset the autoincrement number via query. You could move the threads out to another forum using a prefix, delete the nodes, run the query, recreate the nodes, and move them back using that prefix and batch update.
Well that's the challenging part, I did create pages without noticing the node IDs because well, they're pages.

What's the query to reset the auto increment number?
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