Flat Awesome - PixelExit.com [Deleted]

Flat Awesome standard is default = Monkeystyle2 (branding removal purchased)
Flat Awesome Dark = Dark Monkey 2 (branded)

Note that we aren't on XF 1.5 yet although we have updated Flat Awesome Dark to 1.5 style and a few things aren't working yet. We plan to upgrade to 1.5 soonish

Just updated to 1.5 and noticed all my colour changes have gone and back to default.
I did backup the template before I updated, so have the old settings.

Is it possible for me to edit the .xml I download and edit out the template changes just leaving the <properties> section and overwrite.
Would that work?

Just updated to 1.5 and noticed all my colour changes have gone and back to default.
I did backup the template before I updated, so have the old settings.

Is it possible for me to edit the .xml I download and edit out the template changes just leaving the <properties> section and overwrite.
Would that work?

Ideally you just start with the correct way like @lazy llama mentioned. Create a child style and re-apply your changes there inside the child style as noted in the install instructions. You won't have to do much on upgrades if you take this route.
Stupid question: I can't where I configure the social media icons in the upper right corner of the header. Is that in the style or my base XF installation? Thanks!
Stupid questions, chapter 2:

I am using FA 1.5.0 together with ToggleME on the node list, and toggle switch is invisible. I can see it flash while the page loads and if move my cursor over to the right side of the bar it's live, I can click on it and it functions properly. It just doesn't display. Is this a known issue with FA and toggleME or (more likely) might I have something configured incorrectly?

I have tried it with default (FA) styling and ToggleME styling, same result. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 2.17.25 PM.webp
We remove all images so that could be part of the problem. Do you have a url you can post or pm so I can take a look

I would to add a background image to the template, but also have it show through the template.
How would I go about doing this.

Like the image below

I would like it to show only on one forum and it sub forums.
I presume I would make a child theme, then make the changes, but not sure what changes to make.
Style Properties -> Flat Awesome Properties, uncheck the text logo option.

I would like it to show only on one forum and it sub forums.
I presume I would make a child theme, then make the changes, but not sure what changes to make.

I'll take a look for you when I'm back tomorrow.
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