First Click Free by Waindigo [Deleted]

@cmpe Then this is the add-on you are looking for. I think you are just misunderstanding how to set it up. In order to get it to work you will need to set the permission so that guests can view all content.

Once you install this add-on, guests will then not be able to view ANY content on your site (except through First Click Free).
Ah, I got it now. Thanks for the clarification.
Once this addon is activated, does the pop up box with "sales" text, work on all areas of the site? So if someone clicks on the login links (and you have the login dropdown disabled), it will use this pop-up login with the "sales" text? How does this work? I would like to have the same user experience across the site. Is this possible? Does your addon overide the pop-up login across the whole site or just for google first click free content?
This is not working and I am not sure why. After arriving from google, and clicking 2+ times, there is no popup, I am using 1.2.1
This is not working and I am not sure why. After arriving from google, and clicking 2+ times, there is no popup, I am using 1.2.1
The page that you get to after arriving from Google will always be visible, no matter how many clicks you make. This is as designed.

The best way to test that it is working is to access your site directly (i.e. not through Google) and make sure the pop-up is working. If it is not, then it is probably a conflict with another add-on. Try disabling other add-ons.
@Waindigo Very Nice Addon... Like it.
A question though, would if be possible to add more template hooks to made the popup more Registration-incitative. For example, the numbers of total members, threads and maybe messages?
The page that you get to after arriving from Google will always be visible, no matter how many clicks you make. This is as designed.

The best way to test that it is working is to access your site directly (i.e. not through Google) and make sure the pop-up is working. If it is not, then it is probably a conflict with another add-on. Try disabling other add-ons.

It is conflicting with another Add-on. A custom bridge add-on.
Hi Jon @Waindigo, I have couple of request for this add-on;
  • Be able to add an image to the login form, making it responsive
  • Allow selected forums to bypass the first click free check (users could see the threads inside those forums regardless of their user status)
  • I'm not sure about the third one, it’s associated with the above request; when the user registers, but doesn't have yet validated their account, the user is prompt a modal box where then asked to validate their account first regardless if he/she can or cannot see the thread & individual forum. Quite commonly, users are reluctant to validate their account. This would become desirable for us admins to require the user to take necessary action in order to proceed.
Please let me know if you require a contribution towards these features.

Thank You.
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Hi Jon @Waindigo, I have couple of request for this add-on;
  • Be able to add an image to the login form, making it responsive
  • Allow selected forums to bypass the first click free check (users could see the threads inside those forums regardless of their user status)
  • I'm not sure about the third one, it’s associated with the above request; when the user registers, but doesn't have yet validated their account, the user is prompt a modal box where then asked to validate their account first regardless if he/she can or cannot see the thread & individual forum. Quite commonly, users are reluctant to validate their account. This would become desirable for us admins to require the user to take necessary action in order to proceed.
Please let me know if you require a contribution towards these features.

Thank You.
Hi @Waindigo, will it be possible to add statistics as suggested in my post above?
Sure, please drop me a PM to discuss.
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