I've noticed that in ban_user_list (admicp) the filter controls are included after the phrase.
While in any other template the controls are included before the phrase, for example in addon_list
Would be great if it will be updated to the "standard" location, so it will be consistent.
I'm trying to design this area and the different location creates an issue in the Banned Users page.
Currently I'm using a tms to "fix" the location.
<h2 class="subHeading">
{xen:phrase banned_users}
<xen:include template="filter_list_controls" />
While in any other template the controls are included before the phrase, for example in addon_list
<h2 class="subHeading">
<xen:include template="filter_list_controls" />
{xen:phrase installed_add_ons}
Would be great if it will be updated to the "standard" location, so it will be consistent.
I'm trying to design this area and the different location creates an issue in the Banned Users page.
Currently I'm using a tms to "fix" the location.