XF 2.0 File upload max size issue


Well-known member
I moved one of the test site to XF 2.0.4 today and ran into upload size limit. ACP set max size of 50MB
So, I figured out that the setting is in php.ini and made the changes there.
memory_limit = 128M
upload_max_filesize = 50M
post_max_size = 60M

Then restart nginx, php.

Then I tried to upload something 8MB. It will uploaded to 100% and then have a cross line on it so it doesn't seem to take.

Anything else I missed?
If using nginx, then the max upload size is also defined in there.

Look for client_max_body_size in your nginx config file... if not there, it needs to be with a value like
client_max_body_size 60M;
You are absolutely right. i added it to the nginx.conf file and it works. This is one of few things that stumbled me when I moved server.
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