XF 2.0 Few questions about vB 3.8.1 import to XF2


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I am migrating from vB 3.8.1 to XF2. I have a clean install of XF2 on my new server. I have copied a backup of the live database to the new server to use for testing the import process. As of right now, I have done NOTHING with the install of XF2. Do I need to do anything, like create forums, usergroups, etc,... or does the import process do all of that for me?
I am sure this is real BASIC, but it is not in the manual.

I copied a backup file from old server to new server. It ends with .sql. If I understand correctly, I need to have this in a working database on the new server so the importer can access it and pull the data out of it. So would I create a new database using my cPanel, use the same database name, username, and password as on my live site's database, and then import the backup file into this new database? Once that is done, then I run the importer from the Admin CP on my install of XF2.
Also, this is just for testing for now. When I go to move the live data over for real, would I just delete the test DB used for the import, create a new one and import the final backup file into that as before?

I think I read where you mentioned doing a backup of the XF2 database before doing any importing/testing, so that I could start fresh with an empty database to prevent duplicate entries. When that time comes, would I just delete the existing XF2 database, create a new one with the same name, user, password, and then import the backup file into that?

Then I would run the final import?

So in the cPanel PHPMyAdmin, the only option for importing into a database is from a file on my home computer. I don't see a way to import from the backup file sitting on the server. Is there an command line method for doing this so I don't have to download the backup file to my computer only to have to wait for it to upload during the import process?
So would I create a new database using my cPanel, use the same database name, username, and password as on my live site's database, and then import the backup file into this new database? Once that is done, then I run the importer from the Admin CP on my install of XF2.

When I go to move the live data over for real, would I just delete the test DB used for the import, create a new one and import the final backup file into that as before?

When that time comes, would I just delete the existing XF2 database, create a new one with the same name, user, password, and then import the backup file into that
Im trying to import from phpBB 3.1, says it cant connect to the DB - then it cant find the [attachments] path - i have done the same as tourmeister
Im trying to import from phpBB 3.1, says it cant connect to the DB - then it cant find the [attachments] path - i have done the same as tourmeister

If you have the backup.sql file on your server you are almost there.

I used cPanel --> Databases --> MySQL Databases

to create a new empty database. I believe you can name it whatever you like, and use whatever username and password you like. Be sure to add the user to the database and give that user "All Privileges. Write down the database name, username, and password so you don't forget them.

Again, I used cPanel --> Advanced --> Terminal

to get to a command line. One there, change to the directory where the backup.sql file is saved. Then execute the following,

mysql -p -u dbusername dbname < backup.sql

This will prompt you for the dbpassword.

Once it is running, you won't see any indication that it is working. Just leave it alone until you get the command prompt back. Depending on the size of your database, this might take a while. My database is around 2 GB I think and it took about 10-15 minutes. Once it is done, you can now start the import process. It will ask you for the SOURCE dbusername, dbpassword, and the dbname. These should be the same as what you just used.

Prior to running the import routine, I copied my entire vB forum from my old server to the new server so things like the attachment files would be on the server. I put the XF2 install in the /forums directory and the vB copy in /vbforums. My attachments are not stored in my database, so I just gave it the path to the /vbforums/forum_attachments directory. IF your attachments are not stored in the database, then I suspect something similar would work for you.
I ran an import on a pretty big forum on VB 3.8.6 (Familiar V as yours) and it practically imported everything in smoothely.

We had to tweak and change permissions, add moderators explicitly etc but other than that it was near perfect.

XF team have done amazing.
I started the import about 10:00pm last night. Database is just at 2GB with 1.5M posts. I went to bed around 2:30am and it was at 50% but still running. I just checked it at 11:15am and it was hung at 63%. The three bars in the upper right corner were stopped as was the bar that slides across the top from left to right. I have not touched it yet as I needed to get to work. I will check it again when I get home this evening.

I believe it was hung on step 16.
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i have the old forms online but dont matter what i try i get this
  • The attachments directory could not be found.
  • The avatars directory could not be found.
Try entering the absolute path if you aren't sure of the relative path.

Navigate to /admin.php?tools/phpinfo and search for DOCUMENT_ROOT to get the absolute path of your XenForo installation.
From there you can determine the absolute path for your other installation.
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